Monday, December 12, 2011
This Christmas...
This Christmas is a tough one.Seeing how my car insurance is due the 17th.Doing every little thing I can to make money to be able to pay that and have some what of a Christmas.My list is very short this year seeing how money is super tight.I have helped out with more charity things this year than years before.I have sponsored a child from the salvation army tree.I also sponsored a child from my church.This past weekend I played in a Toys For Tots softball tournament. Our team brought the most toys and won a bat for the team.:) I have another Charity Tournament coming up as well for a little 8year old girl that has cancer.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Christmas is right around the corner..
This time of the year puts a dent in the bank account.But a smile on my face knowing I have touched someone heart.:)Most us struggle as it is to get by.Most of my shopping is done because my list is not all that big this year.The past years it has been a pretty big list.Going over board for my family.But not so much this year.I also sponsor a kid from the salvation army tree at our local ,mall.I started doing this when I was 16.I got $25 from my grandmother once a month and most the time I would not spend it unless I had to get stuff I needed.So that money would go towards a little boy and girl I picked off the tree.This year my budget only allowed me to get one little kid off that tree.I circled that tree like 3 times looking over the things they wanted and needed.Knowing I could only buy for one.I had a few in my hand to pick from.A mother and daughter walked up looking over the tree few times.The girl was about 12 looking for a girl about her age she was so excited about the girl she picked.She was willing to give up what money her mother would spend on her for a few presents to make someone else feel special on Christmas.:) I have got my best friend hooked as well as in picking a few kids off this tree.Think she has been doing it for like 2 or 3 years now with me. I am sponsoring a kid at my church for an event as well. This will be our second year hosting this event.Last year I sponsored 2 kids from this event.Then a group of us from the church usually raise money for the children home to buy stuff for them.We normally all pitch in about 20 as well.We were unable to do so this year.:( But we had a great meal with them and fellowship.:)I love putting smiles on other peoples face.
This puts a bigger smile on my face and tears in my eyes.Reading it this morning what this little boy is doing.:)
*Jesus Is The Reason For The Season*
This puts a bigger smile on my face and tears in my eyes.Reading it this morning what this little boy is doing.:)
*Jesus Is The Reason For The Season*
Monday, December 5, 2011
What Hurts The Most?
What Hurts The Most?
Yes it is a song but that is not what I am writing about.But some of the lyrics fit into this.I have been hurt so many times in my life by my parents. The ones you would think that would give up there addictions to have a relationship with there kids.
What Hurts The Most?
When someone knows that they have messed up.When they have broken promises.When they have made up so many lies up.When they know they have hurt loved ones.
What Hurts The Most?
When your dad rather drink his life away.When his trust in you has faded.When he ask me a million questions to see my little brother whom I pretty much helped raised.All his lies.All his broken promises.
What Hurts The Most?
When your mother rather spend her life getting high.When she says she don't feel loved.When you have only seen her maybe 4 times in the past 11 years.Not knowing when I will see her next.All her broken promises.All her lies.
What Hurts The Most?
The things my parents put me through.The things that they have said and done.The promises they have made and broken.The lies they have told me.The pain they have put me through.The way they have showed there love by breaking me into little pieces.
The things I have gone through and have faced has only made me a stronger person.Yes plenty of tears have come from my eyes because of my parents.
Yes it is a song but that is not what I am writing about.But some of the lyrics fit into this.I have been hurt so many times in my life by my parents. The ones you would think that would give up there addictions to have a relationship with there kids.
What Hurts The Most?
When someone knows that they have messed up.When they have broken promises.When they have made up so many lies up.When they know they have hurt loved ones.
What Hurts The Most?
When your dad rather drink his life away.When his trust in you has faded.When he ask me a million questions to see my little brother whom I pretty much helped raised.All his lies.All his broken promises.
What Hurts The Most?
When your mother rather spend her life getting high.When she says she don't feel loved.When you have only seen her maybe 4 times in the past 11 years.Not knowing when I will see her next.All her broken promises.All her lies.
What Hurts The Most?
The things my parents put me through.The things that they have said and done.The promises they have made and broken.The lies they have told me.The pain they have put me through.The way they have showed there love by breaking me into little pieces.
The things I have gone through and have faced has only made me a stronger person.Yes plenty of tears have come from my eyes because of my parents.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Current New Favortie...
Heather Williams Testimony
Heather Williams God is still God
Heather Williams Hallelujah
I heard her song God is still God on the way home last night.So I repeated the lyrics over and over to look it up when I got home. God will take you as you are if you just say the words and open your heart and give it to him.:)
Heather Williams Testimony
Heather Williams God is still God
Heather Williams Hallelujah
I heard her song God is still God on the way home last night.So I repeated the lyrics over and over to look it up when I got home. God will take you as you are if you just say the words and open your heart and give it to him.:)
Friday, November 18, 2011
The sound of breaking...
So I had a dentist appointment this morning at 10:30. I get there at like 10:15 sit and wait for like 5 minutes if that. I have not been to the dentist in while so I was little nervous.When I got called back in the room you could tell someone loves panda bears. They were painted on the wall and all the pictures frames had panda on them. They gavc me the shots in my mouth and then got to work. Just the sound and breaking of the teeth they pulled is a painful sound. The cracking and chipping away to pull it out just hurt my ears.I had to close my eyes and try to drown it out.The sound between that and the air thing to suck up the chipped off parts.Not a sound that I would want to hear every day.Made me want to come up off the chair. My legs started shaking cause it just did not sound good. I was done and out by 11. My face is still numb. Nap time sounds like a plan.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Upward Kickoff
Upward Basketball is right around the corner again for our church.I am some what excited about this year.This will be my 3rd or 4th year coaching.It is so fun to teach the kids how to play along with the word of GOD.Then when they get saved even better.:) It is so fun to watch the little guys play.I hope I have good group kids this year and not ones like last year.My whole team was ADD so it was a challenge for sure.I helped out with 2 of the tryouts.I seen some my little guys from last year so much improvement.One my little ones could barley hit the rim.They barley passed it to him cause he could not shoot that great.But I tried to give everyone a chance to shoot the ball. So I made them pass it to him give him a chance.He made like 3 baskets all season long and the last one he made was the best.There was like 2 seconds left he threw the ball up and it went around the rim few times then fell in. At tryouts when I seen him he has grown maybe inch or two.He was sinking the ball all day long.He did awesome for as small and young as he is.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
What is with all the questions from him...
I got a call from my dad today.Remind you we don't see eye to eye.We don't talk often or see each other often.He called asked me Your coming over for Thanksgiving right? He assumes that I am coming over. I told him I am going with my aunt somewhere.Then he got to asking more questions.Does he really care that much? I don't think so. He wont let my little brother go to her house so what is with all the questions from this man. I get 100 questions all the time from my dad if I want to get my little brother to go get lunch or something. Serious come on the past is HISTORY. Move forward instead of backwards cause that is all your doing.I am not falling into the trap like I have the past few years.My heart is so big when it comes to my little brother.I will put myself in a bind for him.I will dig myself out of it.This time of the year I get hurt and used.Not going to happen this year.
So my status for facebook after getting off the phone is:
People ask questions all the time.
Some ask as if they really care.
Some ask cause there just nosy and want in others people business.
Some ask and really do care.
Some ask and are just curious.
Some ask questions to get to know people.
Some ask stupid questions.
Some ask and assume they already have the answer.
Monday, November 7, 2011
You could win...
So my best friend is giving away a gift card for the holidays for Target.The contest runs for 10 days.There are many ways to enter the contest.All the info can be found here.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
30 Days to be Thankful
Would love to see what every one else is thankful for as well this month. The days will get harder I am sure.There are so many little things out there to be thankful for.
Day 1: So thankful that GOD sent his only son to die on the cross for all MY SINS. JESUS SAID "I am the WAY the TRUTH the LIFE." John 14:6
Day 2: Thankful GOD found the GUY that matched my bone marrow to save my life.After all the treatments for leukemia survival rate was 95%. Then test came back I had a rare chromosome disorder called Philadelphia Chromosome Disorder.My survival rate dropped to 4%. Doctors acted quick tested everyone in the family and friends no matches.Few days later a phone call from out West we got a match.
Day 3: I am thankful for my athletic ability.To be able to play sports and have fun while playing them.
Day 4: So thankful for my AMAZING FRIENDS I love them to pieces.
Day 5: Thankful for my Health. Yeah I put up a fight with cancer and won that fight. So thankful I don't get sick often.
Day 6: Thankful that I have a job.Only thing I don't like is the pay.
Day 7: Thankful for music. I like to listen to all kinds of music. I love that so many songs have so much meaning behind them. There are some songs that are so pointless and stupid.
Day 8: Thankful that I have a roof over my head.:)
Day 9: Thankful that I have a car that gets me too and from where I need to go.
Day 10: Thankful that I live in America.
Day 11: Thankful for the men and women that serve our country.Happy Veterans Day!!
Day 12: Thankful that I can eat what ever food and when ever I want.
Day 13 : Thankful for all my church family and friends.
Day 14: Thankful for all 5 of my senses.
Day 15: Thankful for all the time I am able to spend with my friends.:)
Day 16: Thankful for what I am able to give and help people with. Most people need help with money that is not something I can't help with often. Time is something I can give anyone. A helping hand is something I can give.
Day 17: Thankful for my best friend Heather.Today I get to go see Breaking Dawn with all the girls because that was my birthday present from her.:) Also today she like I have something for you. It was a letter from my mom.She wrote her when I would not try.I was just mad and could not handle or find the words to write on paper.She pushes me when she sees me slipping. She knows me better than my own parents. Thank you for being a AWESOME and AMAZING friend.<3 <3 <3.
Day 18: Thankful that I have high tolerance for pain. I went to dentist today got few teeth pulled. Many injuries playing sports. I deal with that pain and play through the pain.Tooth pain and ear aches are 2 pains I can not take.
Day 19: Thankful for another amazing friend Karen. There are some friends you can know a short while and feel like you have known them for years. I love how strong her faith is. She is someone I will miss seeing daily.Someone I will miss talking to daily.She is someone that has advice when I need. I am glad that I was able to help her this past week packing. She did not need to do it on her own for she is expecting her little bundle of joy.I can not wait to see baby Sophia McKenzie.:) She is now with her family and I am so happy for her.
Day 20: Thankful for my local Christian Radio Station.They played a song last night as I was driving home.Thinking and trying not to fall asleep behind the wheel at same time.So I kept repeating the lyrics to my self to be able to look them up when I got home.God is still God by Heather Williams. Great song and her testimony is wow.
Day 21: Thankful for the air that I breathe.It may not be all that clean but better than what some breathe in.
Day 22: Thankful that I am able to share the word of God with people through out my day.
Day 23: Thankful for my mini vacation I get. 4 day weekend to spend with friends :) People that I enjoy and have fun around.:)
Day 24: Thankful for my friends and there family's for all the invites to come join them for Thanksgiving. They know me to well I do not enjoy going to join my drama filled family. Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Day 25: Thankful that I was able to go shopping with my brother and catch up on time.:) Got 90% my shopping done.:)
Day 26: Thankful for this beautiful day.Been on the go all day.I was able so spend time with the best friend and the hubby.Then spend little time with my aunt. Then time relax a little and watch the Bama vs Auburn game before the UF vs FSU game.
Day 27: Thankful for the lazy days I get.:)
Day 28: Thankful for the kids at work.They make me laugh at the things they say and do.They can make me smile on a bad day.They are always giving me hugs cause they missed me over night.:)
Day 29: Thankful for my aunt she step in at a time where she didn't have to.She is amazing women and I don't know where I would be without her.To be there and guide me down the right path.To stay on top me to make sure I got good grades. To make sure I made the right choices.I love her so much.
Day 30: Thankful for every day I wake up to see what God has planed for my day.Thankful for all of the above and so much more.
Day 1: So thankful that GOD sent his only son to die on the cross for all MY SINS. JESUS SAID "I am the WAY the TRUTH the LIFE." John 14:6
Day 2: Thankful GOD found the GUY that matched my bone marrow to save my life.After all the treatments for leukemia survival rate was 95%. Then test came back I had a rare chromosome disorder called Philadelphia Chromosome Disorder.My survival rate dropped to 4%. Doctors acted quick tested everyone in the family and friends no matches.Few days later a phone call from out West we got a match.
Day 3: I am thankful for my athletic ability.To be able to play sports and have fun while playing them.
Day 4: So thankful for my AMAZING FRIENDS I love them to pieces.
Day 5: Thankful for my Health. Yeah I put up a fight with cancer and won that fight. So thankful I don't get sick often.
Day 6: Thankful that I have a job.Only thing I don't like is the pay.
Day 7: Thankful for music. I like to listen to all kinds of music. I love that so many songs have so much meaning behind them. There are some songs that are so pointless and stupid.
Day 8: Thankful that I have a roof over my head.:)
Day 9: Thankful that I have a car that gets me too and from where I need to go.
Day 10: Thankful that I live in America.
Day 11: Thankful for the men and women that serve our country.Happy Veterans Day!!
Day 12: Thankful that I can eat what ever food and when ever I want.
Day 13 : Thankful for all my church family and friends.
Day 14: Thankful for all 5 of my senses.
Day 15: Thankful for all the time I am able to spend with my friends.:)
Day 16: Thankful for what I am able to give and help people with. Most people need help with money that is not something I can't help with often. Time is something I can give anyone. A helping hand is something I can give.
Day 17: Thankful for my best friend Heather.Today I get to go see Breaking Dawn with all the girls because that was my birthday present from her.:) Also today she like I have something for you. It was a letter from my mom.She wrote her when I would not try.I was just mad and could not handle or find the words to write on paper.She pushes me when she sees me slipping. She knows me better than my own parents. Thank you for being a AWESOME and AMAZING friend.<3 <3 <3.
Day 18: Thankful that I have high tolerance for pain. I went to dentist today got few teeth pulled. Many injuries playing sports. I deal with that pain and play through the pain.Tooth pain and ear aches are 2 pains I can not take.
Day 19: Thankful for another amazing friend Karen. There are some friends you can know a short while and feel like you have known them for years. I love how strong her faith is. She is someone I will miss seeing daily.Someone I will miss talking to daily.She is someone that has advice when I need. I am glad that I was able to help her this past week packing. She did not need to do it on her own for she is expecting her little bundle of joy.I can not wait to see baby Sophia McKenzie.:) She is now with her family and I am so happy for her.
Day 20: Thankful for my local Christian Radio Station.They played a song last night as I was driving home.Thinking and trying not to fall asleep behind the wheel at same time.So I kept repeating the lyrics to my self to be able to look them up when I got home.God is still God by Heather Williams. Great song and her testimony is wow.
Day 21: Thankful for the air that I breathe.It may not be all that clean but better than what some breathe in.
Day 22: Thankful that I am able to share the word of God with people through out my day.
Day 23: Thankful for my mini vacation I get. 4 day weekend to spend with friends :) People that I enjoy and have fun around.:)
Day 24: Thankful for my friends and there family's for all the invites to come join them for Thanksgiving. They know me to well I do not enjoy going to join my drama filled family. Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Day 25: Thankful that I was able to go shopping with my brother and catch up on time.:) Got 90% my shopping done.:)
Day 26: Thankful for this beautiful day.Been on the go all day.I was able so spend time with the best friend and the hubby.Then spend little time with my aunt. Then time relax a little and watch the Bama vs Auburn game before the UF vs FSU game.
Day 27: Thankful for the lazy days I get.:)
Day 28: Thankful for the kids at work.They make me laugh at the things they say and do.They can make me smile on a bad day.They are always giving me hugs cause they missed me over night.:)
Day 29: Thankful for my aunt she step in at a time where she didn't have to.She is amazing women and I don't know where I would be without her.To be there and guide me down the right path.To stay on top me to make sure I got good grades. To make sure I made the right choices.I love her so much.
Day 30: Thankful for every day I wake up to see what God has planed for my day.Thankful for all of the above and so much more.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Ups and Downs
This week has had its ups and downs for sure.Playing softball this week I seem to have pulled something in my throwing arm on Monday.We won both of those games.Won the championship for that season.But who knows it may have been at work playing wall ball.Work has gotten under my skin this week.With parents being late to pick up there kids.I had 3 games Tuesday and thought I had 2.So I missed the first game completely and got to the field as soon as the 2nd one was starting.I was so mad I could not even begin to focus on playing good.The third game was pointless to even play.It was like pro vs high school no joke.Wednesday was my birthday.It was a great birthday minus a few little parts.2 of my friends had there class sing for me.One them had there whole class make me cards.I got a call from my dad and few text from family and friends.Got like 90 FB wishes.Like 100 or more in person wishes.I wanted to get there early to warm up but no.Parents had to be late again.Good thing I didn't make dinner plans for my own birthday.Played kickball and that made me mad cause the team we played cheated so bad.We came up with the win but it was close.Then I went with few friends to get my free steak dinner.I must say the best part that day was when I walked into the lunchroom at work and one my favorite kids ran to ma and gave me a hug and told me Happy Birthday.Also to when I came back from bathroom his mom and brother had a gift bag for me.Total surprise and cough me off guard and almost made me cry.I love them 2 even though they can be a hand full at times.Thursday I helped a friend pack up her stuff for moving.Friday started off a little slow but when noon got here it went by so quick.I had few things to do and only got one major thing out the way in my time frame.Had to give my friend money to pay for my tag and do it online.
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Before I got hair cut |
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That is the most that I have got cut off in years. |
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All my card I got for my birthday.<3 |
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My present from 2 my favorite boys at work. |
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Before kickball |
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After kickball |
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Its the memories I hold on to..
Another fun weekend has come and almost gone.Today is a tough day for me.14 years ago today my grandfather passed away.The memories will always stick close to my heart.I miss his hugs,the times we spent together,the Sunday lunches after church and the list goes on.Also today is 5 years that my cousin passed away.He was only here just a short time of like 5months.Such sad thing to see a child pass.It was a weekend spent with friends made for some fun times.I love to try and make new things.I also like to meet new people and make new friends.Which it all happen this weekend.Picture below are the experiments that happen in the kitchen.
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Smore Pie |
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The Good Stuff |
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Makes a good dish |
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
So the past few days I have gotten some pretty awesome signs from GOD. Funny that I text a friend last week didn't hear back from her.Not like her but I know she is pretty busy with life itself.From work,school,being mom to a teen,church and being a wife.So yesterday I was told I needed to text her and see how she was doing.Well then come home cook some tater tots and made grilled cheese for dinner. Put in a movie and watched some of it drifted off to sleep for bit.Woke up few times it still on.It was like 11 by then got like hour of sleep.Could not go back to sleep for anything.A friend from church sent me message on FB so we talked for little bit.Then around like 2 I finally fell back to sleep.First dream I have had in a while and it was a good one that came true today but glad the results where not reveled like the dream.So my friend that I have been talking about in my recent blogs found out the sex her first child today.My dream was that she made collage poster with a bunch mutual baby things.We looked at it for hours then she throws a Little Mermaid picture saying IT"S A GIRL!!! What do you know she is having a little girl.:) Can't wait to meet the little bundle of joy.I am so glad she did not make a collage and beat around the bush to tell us.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Pretty Awesome Weekend
Weekends like these I don't want them to end. I must say it was a pretty awesome weekend. Friday night there was a girls sleep over at my church. The Jr and Sr High girls was pretty good turn out.There was like 20 girls there.Some of us played manhunt,apples to apples,football,and soccer.Some did the girly girl things like nails and stuff.We watched the movie Soul Suffer.Then we talked about things we fear and don't expect to happen.That have happen to us or someone we know.Made a list of all kinds of things. Friends committing suicide,drugs and alcohol,divorce,lost of loved ones,rape,cancer,abuse,lost of sight,to lose a leg,terminal illness, list goes on. We tried to put pants on with one arm and put our hair up with one hand.We sang a few songs after that.Some the girls on the puppet team put together a goodbye show for the leader of the puppet team.She will be moving to Texas around Thanksgiving with her family.So at like 4 half us were still awake.So needless to say I did not get much sleep.Sat was our church picnic that lots of people had to get up early for to get ready for.I wanted to go but ended up not going to.I did not have enough sleep to drive to the place where it was.So I was driving home from church and seen a yardsale sign.So I went home to see if the roomie wanted to go with me.So we went to go check it out and was there for while it was like a cheap book store.I got 4 books for 7$ in great condition like brand new.The roomie got 2 books for $3.The books I got ranging from $15-23 in the store brand new.I would say that is a great deal.So then we came home she cooked her some breakfast.We started getting stuff out the garage to make load for the Kidney Foundation to pick up.I got a call from my dad to see if I wanted to join him and my brothers bowling.I told him im like im not sure I am so tired and don't really got the money.He like if you have gas money to get her I will pay.So hung up thought about it for second then like well heck I don't see them often so I will just go.So went and bowled 2 games which I won 1 and they killed me the second game.Then came home tried to take like hour nap before I had to get ready to go out again.Then mean while im on FB and seen that some our friends from church got engaged.So excited he turned 21 yesterday and proposed to his girlfriend on his birthday.Had dinner with my roomie family.We watched the first half of the Gators game which was not good at all.We had bunch random conversations.Then came home and there was no way I could go to sleep there was a bright light from the neighbors party shining in my window.So I went out an joined the party.Played corn hole most of the time.Come in around like 3 when things started dying down.Got up at 9 got ready for church.After church went with few friends to outback to eat lunch.Came home took like hour nap. Got up cleaned my car and some what clean my room and started load clothes.So yes it has been pretty awesome weekend hanging with friends and family.Hanging with family don't happen often.
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No my team is better!! |
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Friends become family |
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My little brother |
Thursday, October 13, 2011
That is just so sad..
I love how I get info on things.Not really cause sometimes it is important things.I revived some sad news today a text from my aunt about a little boy in my dads neighborhood.So I had to call my older brother tonight and ask if he had heard anything.My dad never called or text me about it.A 12 year old boy hung himself with a belt in the closet last night around 8. It is so sad because I know there was drugs in and out of that home.I am sure the kid felt unloved. There is just something about that neighborhood and the suicides that have happen over the years.I know of at least 4 for sure.3 people that hung there self and one that shot there self.One my really good friends was only 18 and shot him self.That was just 2 years ago.It is so sad to hear these kinds of things.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Was I Just Hard On Myself?
So for yesterday being a Monday not to bad for the most part.
First part of the day.I have been helping a friend in her classroom for few weeks now.Grading papers,cutting stuff,laminating stuff,running errands on campus,helping the kids in class and so on.Plus she is expecting her first little one so anything to help ease some stress.So I cut out some leafs for a center on this cool little machine.Then she wanted her board outside her door decorated fall/Halloween.I looked at it thought it looked pretty good.Then started I could done this that and so on to make it look better.But my friend loved it so that all that matters.Cause some people are so annual when it comes to stuff like that.So I worked on that and idea after idea kept coming in my head.That machine came in handy yesterday it is so cool.She has been sick a lot with the pregnancy.I feel so bad for her.She can only eat up to 8 grams of protein a day.She has PKU which she is missing an enzyme called phenylalanine hydroxylase,which is needed to break down an essential amino acid called phenylalanine.The substance is found in foods that contain protein.She has to drink this formula every morning and night in order for the baby to get the rest of the nutrients it needs.So after the baby is here I told her husband he better have a steak ready.I can't wait to find out what she is having next week we should know.
Second part the day.After helping her out and fixing her board it was time for me to go to work.I work on campus there in the after school program.So the kids have been on the little rowdy side with this weather.It was not to bad of a day.But it was just one them days where if people said something I had to stop before I spoke thing.The kids have been a little silly.My patience with some them are running thin.I help the first graders with there homework and it is so hard cause they can not focus more than 5 mintues.They work better one on one.Time is a factor when you only have 45 minutes to do it and it takes some them that long to do it.There are 4 first grader boys and there attention is on everything but homework.All 4 boys are very smart boys 2 them I can explain it and they can do it on there own then check to see if there doing it right.The other 2 need little more help cause they love to just say random answers.If I let them just write what ever they think it is there homework would all be wrong.So that part the day was alright.The day went by pretty fast for the most part.
The night was not to great at all.I played 2 softball games and played like crap.That is not like me I am usually on my game on both sides.Not last night my oh my had the worst judgement on the ball in the outfield.I could not hit the ball to get on to save my life.I think I was 1 for 8.Well actually 2 for 8 but that was only do to bad throw.Usually I do good in both and just my bat is a little off.I got hit in the foot by a hard line drive in the first game.That mess hurt my adrenaline was rushing so I played it out.My foot is sore but not broken.Then the second fame we were up by like 10 and they came back to beat us cause like 3 bad throws.We should have won that game.So we lost both games last night cause we were not hitting the ball the first game and second game was errors.I know I could have done a lot better than I did do.Yeah I hit the ball but right to the people.Then the drive home people could not drive.So the road I was on had 2 lanes on the side I was on.I was in the fast lane other car is in the other lane.So we are approaching the light and where it goes from 2 lanes to 4.Then back to 2 lanes.We are going and right at the last second he like oh crap I got to get over.So he cuts in front me I had to slam on breaks.He almost hit the other car in the first turn lane.So he had to get in the first turn lane.So he goes from the far right lane to the inside lane in just split second.People need to make there mind up little quicker than that.
First part of the day.I have been helping a friend in her classroom for few weeks now.Grading papers,cutting stuff,laminating stuff,running errands on campus,helping the kids in class and so on.Plus she is expecting her first little one so anything to help ease some stress.So I cut out some leafs for a center on this cool little machine.Then she wanted her board outside her door decorated fall/Halloween.I looked at it thought it looked pretty good.Then started I could done this that and so on to make it look better.But my friend loved it so that all that matters.Cause some people are so annual when it comes to stuff like that.So I worked on that and idea after idea kept coming in my head.That machine came in handy yesterday it is so cool.She has been sick a lot with the pregnancy.I feel so bad for her.She can only eat up to 8 grams of protein a day.She has PKU which she is missing an enzyme called phenylalanine hydroxylase,which is needed to break down an essential amino acid called phenylalanine.The substance is found in foods that contain protein.She has to drink this formula every morning and night in order for the baby to get the rest of the nutrients it needs.So after the baby is here I told her husband he better have a steak ready.I can't wait to find out what she is having next week we should know.
Second part the day.After helping her out and fixing her board it was time for me to go to work.I work on campus there in the after school program.So the kids have been on the little rowdy side with this weather.It was not to bad of a day.But it was just one them days where if people said something I had to stop before I spoke thing.The kids have been a little silly.My patience with some them are running thin.I help the first graders with there homework and it is so hard cause they can not focus more than 5 mintues.They work better one on one.Time is a factor when you only have 45 minutes to do it and it takes some them that long to do it.There are 4 first grader boys and there attention is on everything but homework.All 4 boys are very smart boys 2 them I can explain it and they can do it on there own then check to see if there doing it right.The other 2 need little more help cause they love to just say random answers.If I let them just write what ever they think it is there homework would all be wrong.So that part the day was alright.The day went by pretty fast for the most part.
The night was not to great at all.I played 2 softball games and played like crap.That is not like me I am usually on my game on both sides.Not last night my oh my had the worst judgement on the ball in the outfield.I could not hit the ball to get on to save my life.I think I was 1 for 8.Well actually 2 for 8 but that was only do to bad throw.Usually I do good in both and just my bat is a little off.I got hit in the foot by a hard line drive in the first game.That mess hurt my adrenaline was rushing so I played it out.My foot is sore but not broken.Then the second fame we were up by like 10 and they came back to beat us cause like 3 bad throws.We should have won that game.So we lost both games last night cause we were not hitting the ball the first game and second game was errors.I know I could have done a lot better than I did do.Yeah I hit the ball but right to the people.Then the drive home people could not drive.So the road I was on had 2 lanes on the side I was on.I was in the fast lane other car is in the other lane.So we are approaching the light and where it goes from 2 lanes to 4.Then back to 2 lanes.We are going and right at the last second he like oh crap I got to get over.So he cuts in front me I had to slam on breaks.He almost hit the other car in the first turn lane.So he had to get in the first turn lane.So he goes from the far right lane to the inside lane in just split second.People need to make there mind up little quicker than that.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Keys to my life....
It is a simple 3 word phrase.Very easy phrase to say but we don't say it enough to the ones that mean the most to us.The people we love most hurt us the most.It use to be a phrase I used everyday.When a friend tells me they love me it makes me smile and warms my heart.I love my friends and don't know what I would do without them.The ones I miss hearing it from the most are my parents.
One of the greatest challenges to human nature is the issue of forgiveness.Those who can’t forgive themselves are filled with guilt and despair, and those who won’t forgive others are filled with anger and bitterness.The most miserable people are the people who never let go of their bitterness.It's such simple word but so hard to do when you've been hurt.When you have been hurt like me you would struggle with this as well.But I have learned to forgive those who hurt me.Move past the hurt but they wont let the past go so it makes it hard.So I tend to get hurt every time I turn around.Jesus and my friends are the most amazing keys of my life.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.His love is never ending.He is always there you just have to make time.He made a promise.He loves you just as much as he love me.He is my strength.He is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE.PRAYER
Is something we all could use.There are so many things in this world to pray for.A list that could never end.The little kid waiting for a transplant.People fighting cancer.The troops fighting across seas.For the lost people.People looking for jobs.The homeless.The hungry.I need prayer to help me through the tough times.FRIENDS
Are the greatest blessings that God has put in our life's.They mean more to me than they will ever know.I would do anything for them to help them out if I can.I love them with all my heart.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Cancer Awareness
I know that OCTOBER is BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH.So many people can wear PINK and know what the CAUSE is for.If you see a PINK RIBBON on a box or bag of food at the store 90% of the people will buy it before one without a RIBBON.I know I would buy the box that had PINK before one without.There are 12 months in a year and BREAST CANCER gets a whole MONTH of AWARENESS.I know people going through a battle with BREAST CANCER right now.I know people that have won the battle with BREAST CANCER.
CANCER is not a word anyone wants to hear.I have been on both sides of the FIGHT.I won my BATTLE with CANCER.I seen many people lose there BATTLE with CANCER.My grandmother being one.:(Over the years I have seen many put up a FIGHT and lose.I have seen a few win.I would like to see EVERYONE beat it.
What about the other 11 months of the year? What about all the other CANCERS out there? Is there a color for all CANCERS? Is there a day for other CANCERS?
I know many people right now that are FIGHTING to LIVE another DAY because CANCER. Let's help spread Awareness not only for BREAST CANCER but all the other CANCERS.People need to know there are other COLORS to SUPPORT as well other than PINK.I PRAY for all those in a FIGHT with CANCER and all them that have BEAT it.JESUS can make a MIRACLE happen.
I wear a ORANGE AND TEAL bracelets that say HOPE,FAITH,STRENGTH,and COURAGE every day.ORANGE for LEUKEMIA the kind of CANCER I had.TEAL for OVARIAN the kind my grandmother lost her BATTLE too.People ask me all the time why do you have Dolphin Colors.Yes it is but THAT IS NOT WHAT IT STANDS FOR.
This is a list of some the CANCERS RIBBONS COLORS.
CANCER is not a word anyone wants to hear.I have been on both sides of the FIGHT.I won my BATTLE with CANCER.I seen many people lose there BATTLE with CANCER.My grandmother being one.:(Over the years I have seen many put up a FIGHT and lose.I have seen a few win.I would like to see EVERYONE beat it.
What about the other 11 months of the year? What about all the other CANCERS out there? Is there a color for all CANCERS? Is there a day for other CANCERS?
I know many people right now that are FIGHTING to LIVE another DAY because CANCER. Let's help spread Awareness not only for BREAST CANCER but all the other CANCERS.People need to know there are other COLORS to SUPPORT as well other than PINK.I PRAY for all those in a FIGHT with CANCER and all them that have BEAT it.JESUS can make a MIRACLE happen.
I wear a ORANGE AND TEAL bracelets that say HOPE,FAITH,STRENGTH,and COURAGE every day.ORANGE for LEUKEMIA the kind of CANCER I had.TEAL for OVARIAN the kind my grandmother lost her BATTLE too.People ask me all the time why do you have Dolphin Colors.Yes it is but THAT IS NOT WHAT IT STANDS FOR.
This is a list of some the CANCERS RIBBONS COLORS.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Music Is My Joy
I heard a song on thejoyfm shorty after I posted this on Twitter that goes great with my post.Life is all about time.People walk into things at the right and wrong times.Make it the right time and walk with GOD.Ask him into your hearts.Never heard the song till today on the way to work.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
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Spider on my wall |
Here is a good laugh for y'all.
I'm laying in bed playing a game on FB chatting with few people and I felt something drop on me.So I jump out bed turn the light on grab my 2 blankets shake them.Grab like all 12 or 13 of my pillows off my bed shake them.Didn't see anything so I put all my stuff back on my bed.I thought it was maybe just my crazy Troy Polamaul hair. Went back to playing my game and watching the Dukes of Hazzard.Out the corner of my eye I see this thing go running across and up my wall really fast.So he went around the top of my wall all the way around my room. Stops in the corner and gets on the ceiling crawls across from one corner diagonal to next corner.I try to hit him missed 2times.As he is making his moves around the room I was giving play by play to a friend on fb chat she laughing with.Then when he on the ceiling he drops down on to the little table in my room I try to hit it again miss.Then my sock draw is open he crawls in there I shut it real quick run get some bug spray.Then the roomie gets up.It like 3am when this all starts.She like what are you doing im like there huge spider.Then he runs out really fast she freaks like I did when I seen him shuts the door.He goes up into my blinds I spray the bug spray he falls into corner then he is dead bye bye down the toilet it goes.It took about 30min to kill it.But I knew I felt something drop on me and I was not crazy.If there would have been a video camera in here oh man that would have been funny.Cause right before my last post on FB about why I could not sleep I almost post I know something just dropped on me and how I thought it was maybe my crazy hair.But I didn't post it now I know it was not my crazy hair.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
1st grade my oh my
My oh my teaching 1st graders how to count backwards is harder than you think.Your kids may know how to count to 100 but count backwards five numbers from numbers given.Some the kids will be there for 10 minutes trying to find the answer for that one question.I was sitting in my friends class yesterday helping her grade papers while she was teaching it my oh my.They had a hundred chart up on the smart board.She would tell them to go touch what ever number and to count back 5 numbers.Some did it without a problem and some jumped like 2 rows forward.Then when its time for me to work we have 3 1st graders in our program.So homework time there math has to deal with counting forward and backwards.It takes them forever to do it and these 3 struggle so bad.There attention is like 5 minutes if that.Then the way I have to sit them around the table so they are not copying each other answers.It is very hard to keep them focused on homework.They are boys so of course they want to go play. There parents want there homework done with us.Parents teachers need your help as well to work with them.They can only do so much in the time frame of a busy go day.You can tell the kids that get help from home and the ones that don't.Then when it comes to reading they are still learning it just frustrating at times.When they know it and just say random things.I have my work cut out for me this year with the 3 1st graders in the program. Then 4 Kindergarten learning everything.But I will make the best of it and help them out the best I can.I have few tricks up the sleeve to help them.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Music Life
What would we do without music? I don't know about ya'll but I think I would go a little crazy without it. I love going to concerts with like 2 or more artist and having a good time with friends. I just went to thejoyfm 25th year concert this past weekend.I went with few friends.There were amazing people there.Brandon Heath,Audrey Assad,Josh Wilson and Britt Nicole.Just the music alone was great.Then them talking about how God worked in there life.How God gave them signs to come up with the songs and what to do with there life. Nothing better than worshiping God and listen to what the artist have to share. Just to sit and listen to the lyrics of songs they mean so much. Then a message told of how they came up with the song gets your heart moving.So I have added some new songs to my playlist and deleted the old ones.Check them out.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Hello my lovely people. I know it has been a while but I just have not been up to blogging. I figure seeing how I have million things on my mind I could come write some things down. My life is far from easy and it has been like that for some time.It only makes me a stronger person to over come all the things I have faced so far.I have reasons: to live,to laugh,to love,to cry,to smile.Live the life god gave me. He could have taken me off this Earth when I was just 3 fighting cancer. Laugh at the fun and stupid things I done. Love all my friends for helping me get through the hurt.Cry at the good and bad things that happen.Smile cause I am still here living,laughing,loving,and crying.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Hello March
We are now into the 3rd month of the year.It has been crazy busy year so far.It only going to get little more crazy with my friends wedding coming up April 17.:) Just looking at all birthday this month on my facebook holy cow.There are 31 days in the month and half them days I know someone with birthday.I have got alot done this morning.I have not got much sleep and this weather sure does not help that fact.I could take a nap seeing how I have plenty of time but there is so much to do.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
What button to press?
All we have is one life to live.There are so many chances and chocies in life.There is always ups and downs in life.What button to press?There is a choice in which way you want to go in life.There are so many buttons to press.I don't even know where to start in this life.Life got to love it.Just hit fast forward cause that is the only way I want ot play.The rewind in life is full of pian.Pause let not ever stop there at any point in this lifetime.What button to press?Got to love this life.Fast forward is the life we should all want.Rewind is a way we learn from the past no matter what pain we went through.Pause is not even worth the time.Stop is the last option in a lifetime.So just hit play and take it day by day.What button to press?When we are in trouble only button we want is fast forward to get past it.When things are going good we just want to hit pause.Then there is rewind something we tend to get stuck in at times.When time is flying by we want it to stop.What button to press?This is my life by the button.Rewind is to much pain in the past life something I do not want to be stuck in.Pause is not even worth the time in this life.Stop is the last button of life.Fast forward is the way I want to go.So let's just hit play and see where it goes.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Weekend is here..
This past week at work has been a struggle with the kids.Even the ones that never cause problems where acting up as well.So glad the weekend is here.I played 4 games this past week in 2 nights.I got to get back to the groove of playing again.Bat is so off it not even funny.I make the best of everyday regardless of what comes my way.You only have one life to live.This weekend should be real fun.I have basketball this morning then meeting up with my dad.Then trying to meet up with a freind that I have not got to hang out with in while.Then home to work on some wedding stuff and wash some clothes.Sunday school then church in the morning.Then going to watch superbowl at friends house.Play some boradgames before the game to kill time.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Just saying.....
I really think just saying is a phrase I have said a lot here latley.There are like milllions of things and thoughts running through my head at this point.I have so much stuff going on it hard for me to keep track of all the dates.I am going to refer back on a post I used yesterday for facebook.Just saying.Some love us.Some hate us.Some forget about us.Some never forget things about us.Just looking back on some things.After catching up on some times over the weekend.There is always some one out there that don't like you.There is always someone there that loves you no matter what.There is always someone that makes you feel like your not even there.There is always someone that knows something about you.I love my life and the people in.There are so many people that leave and go in and out your life time.A ture friend will be there no matter what you do wrong or right.A distance friend don't know what to say to you.A friend you lose contact with has always wonder about you when you meet up after long time.A best friend knows you best.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Crazy awesome exhausting weekend
It is such small world.You can find just about any one and everyone on the internet these days.I will get into details later in this blog.I got to break down this awesome weekend down for ya.Friday night was relax night watching movie with the rommie.We watched Why Did I Get Married Too? We both love Tyler Perry movies.Then by time got to sleep it was like 11 or later.Had be up ealry for Upward Basketball at my church.My team did not do all that great.Then got to see some people there I have not seen in while.Got to watch some family play basketball as well.Then had to do few things before all the FUN.Came back home got ready for Winter Jams.It was so awesome got to be one the best concerts ever.10 bands 10 dollars packed Fourm rocking out.The people that were there was:Newsboys,Newsong,Kutless,Chris August,Chris Sligh,Sidewalk Prophets,David Crowder Band,Red,Francesca Battistelli,Tony Nolan,KJ-52.Something well worth the time.We got home at like 11 or so that night.By the time I got the rush out my head and still pumped and hyped up it was after like 1.Had to be up ealry the next day for busy day as well.Had a photoshot to some what assit in for rommie engagment photos.Then went grabbed breaskfast real quick at dunkin before heading to church.Then had to leave chruch early cause roomie had be to work.I had to run by my brothers house and grab his shoes for practice.Then we messed around took few pictures in the back yard.I almost broke my ankle the block was evil I tell you.I stood on it not even leaning and it just liked rolled over needless to say scrated up my ankle a little and hurt my butt cause I was sitting on the block after I fell.I was laughing the hole time but it kind of hurt.LOL.Then went got some more so summer clothes on cause it was kind of hot out yesterday.Washed my car which was pointless it rained like all day today.Then got ready and met up with my brother and some people from my team to pratice.So now for the finding of just about anyone on the internet.So softabll is like my life.So I was trying to put part this team together get all the girls.Well this friend mind post something well I did not know we were going to be on same team.So few people post to it im like im not going to take any one out from under her.Then come find out were on same team.But one the people that post was someone I have know since I was like 15.Not knowing it at the time cause it been like 8 years since I seen that person last.Funny thing is we just seen each other last year at a relay 4 life and our tents were right next to each other but we didnt know cause we have not seen each other in forever.We both even walked the survior lap side by side and did not even notice each other.She was there for my brothers and I during tough times with family issues.So they joined us playing ball for the afternoon.It was fun but got tired pretty quick.Then she invited me back to her house have dinner and to hang out.She told me she and her son has always wonder what ever happen with us.So it was just like old times hanging out eatting.I ended up staying the night there catching up on time.Before knew it was like 12 or so.I was tired and did not feel like driving like 30min and risk falling asleep.Had to be up early for work therefore sleep is one thing lacking this weekend.I got maybe a total of 7 hours sleep in the whole weekend.Then on top that I read some thigns in paper about a friend man things people do these days.It not my cup tea the things she did and has done.I had to leave her house the last time I was there I did not want to be mixed up in that mess.Today was little rough with not enough sleep.I managed to pull it off working.I worked for like 2 hours then had to go take my cpr class.though was goign to pass out during that all the breathes and sore from playing ball yesterday.The number was down at work so by time I got done with that they said I could go home.So I left went to visit with my aunt and grandma while I still on southside town.Hung out for about 30-45mins.Then adventured back to my side town in the nasty weather.It has been rainging like all day long.Well I came to red light text my friend real quick then put my phone down cause light changed.Not even like 20 feet away at a T intersection 2 people tried to pull out turn same way.I had enough room to react and all but come on people learn how to drive.I had to hit breaks still kind of heard the squeal even with it wet.Had to merge into the turn lane so I did not hit the 2 backin up out the intersection.There were cars behind me thankful they were not riding my but cause they would have hit me from behind and it would have been a mess.Cars from other side coming as well so yeah.Then got home and talked to the roomie to see if there was anything I needed work on for wedding.Which is given and yes there is.LoL.To get list started for bridal shower and game ideas.So then im like ok im going to take nap for few hours and get up and be productive.Well most the stuff has got done that said I was going to do when got up.Cleaned my room,put clotes up,started list,loaded some pictures from concert but that was not on to do list.I was going to load some muisc on Ipod but that not going to be tonight.That has been the busy crazy fun exhausting weekend.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
What your favorite sport?
There is some sport out there for just about everyone to like.It can be you favorite one to play.Could be your favorite one to attend.Or you just may want to chill and hang out at home and watch it on TV.Some people can not handle that crowds of people at games.This is a kind of hard on for me to answer in a way.I love just about all sports.I love going to hockey,football, and baseball games.I like to watch football and baseball on TV as well.When it comes down to playing a game SOFTBALL all the way.I hope to attend some games this season for the Rays games.Even though few my favorite players got traded.I wish I could attend a Gators game that would be so awesome.Never been to one and that is my favortie college football team.I know softball is going to be crazy this up soming season.Playing with like 3 to 5 teams 3 to 4 nights a week. I can not sit and watch tennis,golf,hockey and many more on TV.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Where does the time go?
The weekend is just not long enough.Time flies when you are having tons of fun.This weekend has been pretty active.Friday I pretty much ran for hour stright at work.Playing soccer with the kids for while.Got tired of that then played a little bit of baskerball.Had a party at church that night for one the teen leaders that is leaving.We played volleyball,basketball,knockout and food.Yesterday was the kick off of Upward basketball. at church.I was proud of my team they did really good.Then went got lunch with the roomie and her soon be hubby.Then we went to few places.Came home took nap.Then the soon be hubby brother was MIA for like 4 hours or so.He had everyone trying to find him or get hold him.So we went out looking for him and then got text from someone saying they knew where he was.So we went to the house where he was.Then went shopping at walmart after we talked to his brother and told him where he had to be and all that.Came home the roomie cooked breakfast then we watched a movie.Woke up with splitting headache this morning.Took something and went right back to sleep.Had practice at 1 for one team im playing on.Had another practice at 3 for a different team im playing on.As of right now I am on 3 teams 3 nights week.Then a sub for Thrusday nights.
Friday, January 7, 2011
I might beable to move in the morning,
It has been a very long day for me.I was up at like 3am due to my sinus acting up.Went back to sleep for like 2 hours then it was time to get up.I had to babysit this morning for someone from my church.Then I had to go into work at 2.We played keep away with soccer ball for while.Then we played some basketball for a little bit.So I done alot of running today just at work playing with the kids.Then we went inside and played with the different toys.I played with the legos cause one kids wanted me to build him a airplane.After work there was a going away party at my church for one the teen leaders that is movoing out state.We had pizza,chips,drink, played basketball,volleyball,and knockout.So that was more running and moving around.So I am just a little sore from all the movement and all.First Upward basketball game is tomorrow yay!!Go Fighting Nijias!!Then Sunday afternoon I have softball pratice.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Music is Love
This is a list of songs and artist I took random lyrics from for yesterdays post.After every . or ! there is a new set lyrics.This is the order of songs used for the lyrics.
*Hello World-Lady A
*I Got Feeling-Black Eyed Peas
*Change In The Making-Addison Road
*Set Me Free-Casting Crowns
*Lessons Learned-Carrie Underwood
*It's Your Life-Francesea Battistell
*Unstoppable-Rascal Flatts
*It's On-Superchick
*Fight Another Day-Addison Road
*What Faith Can Do-Kutless
*Jesus Messiah-Chris Tomlin
*Amazed By You-Elevation Worship
*What I've Overcome-Fireflight
*This Little Light Mine-Addison Road
*Shine Like The Stars-Stella Kart
*Tonight-Toby Mac
*Made To Love-Toby Mac
*There Is A Way-NewWorldSon
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I love music
Well hello world! I got a feeling this is gonna be a good good year!Here's my chance for a new beginning.Things are gonna change.It hasn't always been this way.I 've got make my stand.Some words I wish had gone unsaid.Sometimes it's hard to just keep going.This is the moment.You find your faith has been lost and shaken.Grab this moment before its gone.Be strong and his love will lead you to fight another day!Don't give up now.He humbled himself and carried the cross.By the cross where you died,you raised me to life.So im movin forward.Im let it shine,gonna let it shine.Shine like the stars.Right here right now.Im reachin' out,reachin' up,reachin over.There is a way,truth and the life,and the way.
Monday, January 3, 2011
First Monday of 2011
It is the first Monday of the New Year not to bad.It was a very easy day.Work was a trip this morning with a few of my co-workers.We could not stop laughing at things said and conversations that went on before kids came into the room. So here are some pictures.Some of my favorite teams and thing to do.Favorite Bible verse and some quotes I like.Just a little about me in some pictures.
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Gator Girl All The Way |
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Love me some Rays Baseball |
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I live for Softball |
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God is Awesome! |
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Favorite verse |
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Love this Game |
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True |
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Love the Beach!Catching Sunset with my Friends |
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I love food |
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Ipod+Ear buds=Music <3 |
Sunday, January 2, 2011
This is going to take some time.
This is going to take some time to figure out all the facts.You would think my parents would both tell the same story and same detials on this but that not the case.Well let me key you in on what I am talking about.Well when I was just 3years old I was diganosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.On top that I had a rare chromosome disorder.Praise the Lord I have been in remission for either 20-23 years I don't know really cause my parents tell me differnet dates and things.Plus I was just 3 so I really don't remember much.There are somethings I do remember but most of it draws a blank.I went through all the treatmeat there was.Usually you find a donor with in your family not my case.It was someone outside my family.He put himself on a list where he did not want to meet us till after certian amount years.All I know is he was from California.From what family members have told me.Not all the stories are matching up.It is a mission I would like to try an figure out before this year is up.There is also a few nurses that I really liked while there.I was trying to find them as well.I have a few first names to go on that it.
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