Weekends like these I don't want them to end. I must say it was a pretty awesome weekend. Friday night there was a girls sleep over at my church. The Jr and Sr High girls was pretty good turn out.There was like 20 girls there.Some of us played manhunt,apples to apples,football,and soccer.Some did the girly girl things like nails and stuff.We watched the movie Soul Suffer.Then we talked about things we fear and don't expect to happen.That have happen to us or someone we know.Made a list of all kinds of things. Friends committing suicide,drugs and alcohol,divorce,lost of loved ones,rape,cancer,abuse,lost of sight,to lose a leg,terminal illness, list goes on. We tried to put pants on with one arm and put our hair up with one hand.We sang a few songs after that.Some the girls on the puppet team put together a goodbye show for the leader of the puppet team.She will be moving to Texas around Thanksgiving with her family.So at like 4 half us were still awake.So needless to say I did not get much sleep.Sat was our church picnic that lots of people had to get up early for to get ready for.I wanted to go but ended up not going to.I did not have enough sleep to drive to the place where it was.So I was driving home from church and seen a yardsale sign.So I went home to see if the roomie wanted to go with me.So we went to go check it out and was there for while it was like a cheap book store.I got 4 books for 7$ in great condition like brand new.The roomie got 2 books for $3.The books I got ranging from $15-23 in the store brand new.I would say that is a great deal.So then we came home she cooked her some breakfast.We started getting stuff out the garage to make load for the Kidney Foundation to pick up.I got a call from my dad to see if I wanted to join him and my brothers bowling.I told him im like im not sure I am so tired and don't really got the money.He like if you have gas money to get her I will pay.So hung up thought about it for second then like well heck I don't see them often so I will just go.So went and bowled 2 games which I won 1 and they killed me the second game.Then came home tried to take like hour nap before I had to get ready to go out again.Then mean while im on FB and seen that some our friends from church got engaged.So excited he turned 21 yesterday and proposed to his girlfriend on his birthday.Had dinner with my roomie family.We watched the first half of the Gators game which was not good at all.We had bunch random conversations.Then came home and there was no way I could go to sleep there was a bright light from the neighbors party shining in my window.So I went out an joined the party.Played corn hole most of the time.Come in around like 3 when things started dying down.Got up at 9 got ready for church.After church went with few friends to outback to eat lunch.Came home took like hour nap. Got up cleaned my car and some what clean my room and started load clothes.So yes it has been pretty awesome weekend hanging with friends and family.Hanging with family don't happen often.
No my team is better!! |
Friends become family |
My little brother |
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