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Monday, January 17, 2011

Crazy awesome exhausting weekend

It is such small world.You can find just about any one and everyone on the internet these days.I will get into details later in this blog.I got to break down this awesome weekend down for ya.Friday night was relax night watching movie with the rommie.We watched Why Did I Get Married Too? We both love Tyler Perry movies.Then by time got to sleep it was like 11 or later.Had be up ealry for Upward Basketball at my church.My team did not do all that great.Then got to see some people there I have not seen in while.Got to watch some family play basketball as well.Then had to do few things before all the FUN.Came back home got ready for Winter Jams.It was so awesome got to be one the best concerts ever.10 bands 10 dollars packed Fourm rocking out.The people that were there was:Newsboys,Newsong,Kutless,Chris August,Chris Sligh,Sidewalk Prophets,David Crowder Band,Red,Francesca Battistelli,Tony Nolan,KJ-52.Something well worth the time.We got home at like 11 or so that night.By the time I got the rush out my head and still pumped and hyped up it was after like 1.Had to be up ealry the next day for busy day as well.Had a photoshot to some what assit in for rommie engagment photos.Then went grabbed breaskfast real quick at dunkin before heading to church.Then had to leave chruch early cause roomie had be to work.I had to run by my brothers house and grab his shoes for practice.Then we messed around took few pictures in the back yard.I almost broke my ankle the block was evil I tell you.I stood on it not even leaning and it just liked rolled over needless to say scrated up my ankle a little and hurt my butt cause I was sitting on the block after I fell.I was laughing the hole time but it kind of hurt.LOL.Then went got some more so summer clothes on cause it was kind of hot out yesterday.Washed my car which was pointless it rained like all day today.Then got ready and met up with my brother and some people from my team to pratice.So now for the finding of just about anyone on the internet.So softabll is like my life.So I was trying to put part this team together get all the girls.Well this friend mind post something well  I did not know we were going to be on same team.So few people post to it im like im not going to take any one out from under her.Then come find out were on same team.But one the people that post was someone I have know since I was like 15.Not knowing it at the time cause it been like 8 years since I seen that person last.Funny thing is we just seen each other last year at a relay 4 life and our tents were right next to each other but we didnt know cause we have not seen each other in forever.We both even walked the survior lap side by side and did not even notice each other.She was there for my brothers and I during tough times with family issues.So they joined us playing ball for the afternoon.It was fun but got tired pretty quick.Then she invited me back to her house have dinner and to hang out.She told me she and her son has always wonder what ever happen with us.So it was just like old times hanging out eatting.I ended up staying the night there catching up on time.Before knew it was like 12 or so.I was tired and did not feel like driving like 30min and risk falling asleep.Had to be up early for work therefore sleep is one thing lacking this weekend.I got maybe a total of 7 hours sleep in the whole weekend.Then on top that I read some thigns in paper about a friend man things people do these days.It not my cup tea the things she did and has done.I had to leave her house the last time I was there I did not want to be mixed up in that mess.Today was little rough with not enough sleep.I managed to pull it off working.I worked for like 2 hours then had to go take my cpr class.though was goign to pass out during that all the breathes and sore from playing ball yesterday.The number was down at work so by time I got done with that they said I could go home.So I left went to visit with my aunt and grandma while I still on southside town.Hung out for about 30-45mins.Then adventured back to my side town in the nasty weather.It has been rainging like all day long.Well I came to red light text my friend real quick then put my phone down cause light changed.Not even like 20 feet away at a T intersection 2 people tried to pull out turn same way.I had enough room to react and all but come on people learn how to drive.I had to hit breaks still kind of heard the squeal even with it wet.Had to merge into the turn lane so I did not hit the 2 backin up out the intersection.There were cars behind me thankful they were not riding my but cause they would have hit me from behind and it would have been a mess.Cars from other side coming as well so yeah.Then got home and talked to the roomie to see if there was anything I needed work on for wedding.Which is given and yes there is.LoL.To get list started for bridal shower and game ideas.So then im like ok im going to take nap for few hours and get up and be productive.Well most the stuff has got done that said I was going to do when got up.Cleaned my room,put clotes up,started list,loaded some pictures from concert but that was not on to do list.I was going to load some muisc on Ipod but that not going to be tonight.That has been the busy crazy fun exhausting weekend.

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