Friday, December 31, 2010
This has been one busy year.
They say time flies when your having fun.This year has flown by pretty quick.I guess when you stay as busy as I do it does go by pretty quick.Every year has it good and bad times.I started this blog early this morning and look what time it is almost a new day and new year.So I will fill you in with more info on ups and downs for the 2010 year some time in the next few days.Until then I am going to enjoy the fire and watch the ball drop.2011 Baby!! It is now 2 days into the new year and looks like it is going to be a busy one.I wish I could break it down month for month for you but my memory is not that good.2010 has had it's ups and downs that for sure.The down part is all the family drama.I will just leave it at this.I am more of an adult when it comes down to it.It has been a fun year with friends.Beach trips with friends are always fun.Catching up with old friends and meeting new friends is always fun.I have been really invovled with church stuff this year.It has been really fun working in the different areas at church.I would have to say I think the funnest part this year is Bush Garden with the Teens spending the day with my little brother.The most exciting news came in Feburary from my two best friends.That they were both engaged and getting married and wanted me to be part of that.They have both had there ups and downs with things.One friend did not work there issues out so no wedding on November 13, 2010 like planed.The other one is in process of planning.The set date is April 17, 2011.The saddest news was seen on TV the Haiti Earthquake.I love me some sports.This was a good year for the Rays.Got to go to a New York Yankees vs Rays game.Great memory there A*Rod got 10th strike out to get me pizza.He was trying to hit 600 home runs coming stright from the bench in like the 7th or 8th inning.I went to the last post season game for the Rays when they played the Rangers.I also went when they played the Angels.I also went when they played the Jays and seen John Forgety afterward.I got to go see Brandon Heathe and Jars of Clay in concert at near by church.I also got pictures and autographs with them all.great birthday present from my cousin.This Christmas has been like the best Christmas ever for me.All the Christmas things that went on at chruch or off site at other places but was to serve him.Puts a smile on my face to see the kids expression in all the things I took part in.Just with the church events it was awsome Christmas season.I rather give than recive for the most part.So I did end up getting 4 kids off the salvation army tree.Getting bunch things for them.I also helped out with an event for people at my church.So it was a giving year for me.In return I got a very unexpect present.A newer car which was something I been wanting for a while.So I got to say GOD IS AWESOME!!!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Loving It
Well I have been slacking big time on this.I started out doing really well then it has been down hill for while.I have been a busy little bee like always.Between church functions,work,coaching basketball and playing softball.Then I squeeze in some time with friends and family.I love this time the year.I love to buy for other people.Then I tend to put myself in a jam for it.But in th end it all seems to work out great.So there has been some ups and downs in the past few weeks or so.Im stick with all the good.Im not giving all the facts we would be here all night.So my dad and I are semi getting along for now.(knock on wood).I am now the maid of honor in my best friends wedding.:)One my friends fixed my car for pretty much nothing.I got call from my grandmother Monday she was buying me a newer car.I love my life.I love my amazing friends.The one thing I really really wanted more than anything for Christmas and did not even tell anyone was a car knowing not many could afford it.So yeah this Christmas is by far the best. God is AWESOME!!! He made a way for me to get stuff for all that I planned for and some.Money is a factor everyone stress about but put your trust in him and it will work out. I love this little thing called my life.So this weekend is pretty planned out for me.Got a church function tomorrow got to help set up decorate all that jazz.Then Sunday is church,Christmas at my aunts and then the annual ELF party at a friends.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
I have been a busy body with Thanksgiving just passing.Making all my rounds to all the houses where people invited me.Had great 4 day weekend spending time with my little brother and he got to stay the night with me.We went Black Friday shopping which he was great help.Softball is now over till like Feb.Now I jump right into coaching basketball at church.The children home christmas party is this Friday and I can not wait to see the kids faces.Then there are a few different party event coming up with friends and family.This month is pretty busy.My step sister will be here this year for Christmas as well.So all the fun parties are going to start this coming week starting with the Children Home.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Holiday Spirt
Holiday spirt is kicking in to gear.I love this time of the year.I have a huge heart for giving.I tend to get myself in to trouble in the long run.Got to set some goals this year and say no limit myself.When a family grows as big as mine has in past year it makes it harder.Money does not go that far these days on stuff.$20 can go in like a spilt second.It more so outfit or a toy for each the boys this year or a few small gifts.Thinking like $15-25 limit on each one the boys.I can not go all out like I did last year for the boys.Plus this year my step sisiter will be here.My brother will get more from me than the other three.Yes I love them too but he is my blood and I love him to death so yeah.Price wise I think if I try stay under $20 for them I will be fine.I just love shopping and spending money and helping others.In the long run it gets me in to trouble.I am not trying to put myself in a hole.There are so many other little things I like to do also for the holidays.I like to get toys and stuff for salvation army kids.I have done that for like 5-7 years now.For the past 3 years now I have been visting the Children Home so we try rasie money to get them things as well.Then all the little party get together rather it be with friends or co-workers.Always got to get small things for that.It all adds up after while.Im trying not to over do it as bad as I want to.I guess I get this from my grandmother the giving part and the joy of it.She loved giving and my brothers and I always got more than the other grandkids.For the smiple fact is that my parents struggled to make due.I am so ready for black friday to get here.I am taking my little brother along yes he can help me out with the other 3.Plus he must try on some stuff cause he is growing like weed.He at the age where I don't know what to get either and he can know most the stuff he is getting.When I was his age I knew just about everything I was getting.Maybe like 2-5 things I didn't.I will be shopping for few kids,friends and family.It should make for fun long day.Getting to spend the day with my brother.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Ready for this week to be over with.Ready for the holidays to get here.Ready for some cooler weather.Ready for all the parties.Ready for this weekend.Ready to hang out with some amazing friends.Ready to hang out with family.Ready to go shopping.Ready to see the faces of children when the see there gifts.Ready for a mini vaction.Ready for some sleep.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Where to find it..
Our Sunday School class has not been growing so lot people have not been attending for our class.So I have been going in every now then to the High School girls class.They had book Where to find it in Bible.The question the leader asked was is what is something you all struggle on.One girl has friend that she says is Christian but not living by his word.So the word Discipleship came from that.We all got different verse to read and talked about them.There are so many verse on this one word.We did not have time to go over them all just picked out a few.These are the verse that were picked and talked about.
*Those who seek find, Proverbs 8:17 .
*Sincere search for God, Jeremiah 29:10-14
*Counting cost, Matthew 11:28-30
*Wishing easy discipleship,Mark 8:31-38
*Follow light,avoid darkness, John 8:12
*Confidence in difficult places, Acts 20:22-24
*Loving those who cause grief, 2 Corinthians 2:5-11
*Forgetting past, pressing forward, Philippians 3:12-16
Sunday, November 14, 2010
No Matter What..
First you got to watch or listen to the song before reading the rest my blog.Just turn off my music player to right.
Well a lot has been on my heart in past few months.Somethings I need to just let go and move forward.Slowly the things are fading away and coming back into place.This past week I visited the Children Home with few friends.Just listen to few them speak and telling us what there thankful for.One the little girl shared she was thankful for getting to visit with her parents.After everything her parents done to her she still loves them no matter what.She has been abuse mental and physical.She has been drugged by her own parents.Then we asked her how could she still keep her heart open and still love them after all that.She said that Jesus loves us no matter what or how big our sin is.So why can I not love and forgive my parents for what they did.Yeah she could not wait for the dcf workers to get her and her brothers out the unsafe home but she still had that love for her parents no matter what.It has opened my eyes this week and got me thinking.This morning in church we got on stage and shared with our church about the Children Home.The up coming events we are planning for them.We shared that story and I think all us standing there had tears.Also that same night there was a boy that shared he was thankful he could learn more about Jesus.That he never been to church before coming to the home there.Another girl shared about Jesus love and how much she has learned from being there at the home.It got my eye that I need to get my things in check and focus more on him.I have been slacking in some areas.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
This past week has been tiring.All the driving back and forth between my house and friends house.I was pet sitting for a week.I had so much stuff to do over the week as well.I have not been sleeping all that well either.Today was last day try outs for basketball.So I was up early as bad as I wanted to sleep in and not do much.So that took most my day up.Then I was suppose take my step-mom shopping for stocking stuffers but here check never came.I hung out there for little while with my brother.Had to run to my friends house real quick to take her key back to her forgot to leave it when I left.Then came home the roomie and I met up with one her friends that came in from TX to get his son for hoildays.We had to take him from one side town to other his sister had there car they came in.So now it time to kick back and relax watching the Gators game for now.They are not doing to hot this year.
Friday, November 12, 2010
So glad today is FRIDAY!!
This week has been some what kind of busy.Upward basketball at my church is starting back up.So that was Mon. and Tue. night.Softball is one Tue. night a week.Then church is Wed. night.Girls night was Thrs. we watched a movie.Work has been a lot of fun minus the behavior problems we have been having.The kids love to play soccer.I don't know all the rules or positions to teach them right way.But it also hard to teach when you have like 4 kindergarder trying to play.So we wing it and play trying not to hurt each other.I made a game today from the pizza boxes from Wed. visit to the Children Home.It is table soccer they had fun playing it today.All you do is open the box put constrution paper down(Tape).Draw center line and circle where to put cotton ball.Then use pipe cleaners for goal tape to both ends.It is a 2 player game give them each straw and let game begin.So glad that steak n shake has ther peppermint shake back.It is amazing if you have not tried it I would say it something worth trying.:)Hope everyone has great weekend.
Happy Veterans Day!!
Got to say this has been pretty great day.Minus the headache I have had most the day.When I checked my account this morning there was more money there than I thought there would be.LOL.The reason for it was cause I got paid today.Normaly get paid on Friday but guess seeing how it is veterans day they would pay us a day early.Got to love money in the bank.LOL.Not for long cause soon as we get it in our possesion it seems to be in someone else hands seconds later.Attempted to play some more soccer today at work with the kids.They don't understand it all the way.They think it rugby/football.So yeah a few kids got a little banged up playing.It can be a dirty sport at times.Some them got really mad at each other it was funny.Been working on this applacation for another part time job like all week.Computer messed up first night doing it.Didnt have all my refrence infomation down.Had to contact them and let them know.Well it turned in now.LOL.Well really this all happen yesterday or just few seconds ago hint why I didnt make deadline before new day.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
51 runs scored
The last few days at work have been pretty easy.Due to the fact that there are kids out sick.But yesterday I was cought off gard big time.My boss came in did not know she was coming in.I was not doing my job and I was not in uniform.It was a slacker day for me.Today is early release day oh joy.The kids seem to be really loud on these days.Last night was softball game.It was one the best ones this season so far.It was a back and forth game the hole time.There were alot of errors on both sides.Deppends what comes first 7innings or 45mintues.We played only 5inning but there were some long innings.There were a total of 51 runs scored.We lost by one point only if we were home team it would been our win.I seem to always finish with some mark on myslef.I got in a pickle and had to dive back to first scraped my knee up.My side hurts a little from diving back to base.It was fun game all the running I got to do.Then got to hang out chat with some friends for little while.It was cold just standing there.But while running around not so much.Tonight is going to be another fun night get to go to the children home.I love going there it is so much fun.So tonight we went to the children home and had a lot fun.We played dodge ball with half flat basketball,volleyball,and half flat kickball.Then we went on adventure to sonic.That was a fun trip.Jammed out to some good songs.:)
Monday, November 8, 2010
Wish it was Friday
It is only monday and im already wishing it was Friday.It going to be long busy week.This weekend was a lot of fun.I got to spend time with my little brother.First time I have got to spend time with him in while by himself.The weather is fianly nice for now.We shall see how long it last.Today was easy day at work we had like 7 kids gone.In the process of filling out applaction for another job.Really hoping and praying I can get this job to help myself out and it is in area I love.It will also help me grow spirtually Upward basketball is about to start back up had tryouts tonight.They are tomorrow night as well but I have softball.Then again Sat so yeah busy week a head.Then Wed is the Children Home with group from church.Im sure there is something else the other two nights.I just cant think right this second my head is pounding.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Things seem to be falling back into place slowly.I got to spend time with my little brother.Funny today 30 day truth thing is someone that made your life living for.He is by far one the many people that made it worth living for.I love that kid with my whole heart.Yesterday was fun hanging out with him for first time in while.We went to Wal*Mart to buy him new pair pants.He growing like a little weed I tell you.He only had one pair pants that are to short.Then we went to the mall to look at few different phone plan deals.Then came back to my house we got ready for Light the Night.A walk for all types of blood cancers.It only my second year doing this walk.The roomie and I do it.Then who ever else happen to show up and support me.This year it happen to be my roomie her love and my brother.:)Had to run and feed my friends cat real quick.Then went to the walk.After we got signed in and all that good stuff.We got Black&Brew coffee to warm us up a little to kill time..Walked around the park took few pictures.It was fun day and night spending time with him.Then went to Chili's after to get some good food.:)There went $50 in matter of seconds oh well it was fun and worth it.
The little brother and I |
Roomie and I |
Getting ready to walk |
Slide Show |
For those we lost to the battle |
To ones in fight |
To ones that fought and one |
Help raise Awarness |
Find A Cure |
Ready to walk |
He was cold |
Hard to take while walking |
White Survivor Gold Honor Red Memory |
Another shirt to add to collection |
Of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia(ALL) |
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Bring on the cold..
It is about time we see some cooler weather here in the sunshine state.This 90's thing this time the year not cutting it.I did not get chance to write blog yesterday.Due to simple fact that im house/pet sitting and they forgot to give me password for computer.Wireless dont pick up half the time and when it does you need password to get in.Well my friend called this morning before they left out on there curise.So were back in business I got the password.They have it so there daughter cant get on unless she asks.I didnt sleep all that well.It going to be a run around day need to kick it in gear and get ready.Think I am going to hit up JcPennys again and see what sales I can get myself into.Light the Night walk later this evening.Don't forget to check out 30 days of Truth,Rate the music,Verse of the week,and about me.Feel free to leave comments love to hear from ya.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Rain Rain Go Away!!!
The weather has been nasty most of today.If I could have slept all day that is what I would have done.So most the morning I did not do much.I did look up things for my Rate the music.Here what I put for today.
Then I had to get ready and go in for work.The kids are rowdy this week because they been cooped up inside most the week due to the rain.So today was just one them days at work where they drove me up the wall.Came home made broccoli cheese soup,salad and piece garlic bread.Still working on my drink Raspberry Lemonade.That was my day.Pretty dull day for most part.Sleep is calling my name with this weather makes me sleepy.
Then I had to get ready and go in for work.The kids are rowdy this week because they been cooped up inside most the week due to the rain.So today was just one them days at work where they drove me up the wall.Came home made broccoli cheese soup,salad and piece garlic bread.Still working on my drink Raspberry Lemonade.That was my day.Pretty dull day for most part.Sleep is calling my name with this weather makes me sleepy.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Rush it what this day came to..
Today was pretty busy on the go most the day.I was sleeping good til the roomie came in to get me up to go grocery shopping at like 8.We made a pit stop first at Panera Bread to get some breakfast.Then off to the zooland aka Wal*Mart.There was almost a fight between these two ladies.Lady 1: Can I reach around you or can you please move so I can get what I need.Lady 2:All huffy puffy no im not going to move out your way.Lady 1:Ok then excuse me I have to get where you are to get what I need.Lady 2:Kept running here mouth cussing at this other lady.Remind you Lady 2 had like million coupons she was going through blocking a pretty popular area.They both went back and forth with words for few minutes.I just stood there and laughed.I wanted to say something to Lady 2 so bad cause things she was saying.Then as she walked away some guy asked her how her day was rude response from her mouth.Think she woke up on the wrong side the bed.Came home started some lunch.I get distracted so easy when I start food.Well there was huge mess in the kitchen from the sauce.I will post a pic later.The distractions signing a paper for the Light the Night Walk this Sat.Looked for a picture to send in as well.Then worked on creating and event page to invite my friends to come help raise awareness for Leukemia.Then had get ready for work.Some the kids seem to be little hyped up on candy this week.Today was one the better days of this week.I came home got in the shower got ready for church.Went to church helped out with the Awana TNT group 3rd-5th.Got to play some indoor kickball and go over some bible verses for there books.The lesson they talked about tonight was THE UNSAVED.Then after I came home from church got some dinner.Checked few things on here then my friend called had go run something to her down the road.Almost out time to make a post for the day.I have done post everyday since I started.
This is what happens when you get distracted. |
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The game I love...
Well tonight would have been a night to play softball.It got called cause it rianed most of the day off and on.I hope that it brings some cooler weather with the rain instead of hot.So I texted a friend to see what she was up to.To hang out and help me out with few things on here.Also talked about up coming events we need to get on the ball with and start planning.Been watching Law&Order most the time since I have been home.I been watching it and working on here.You should check out the tabs at the top of my blog.I redone my Music Freak one it is now called Rate The Music.I also have a Verse Of The Week.There is a About Me area.Then the 30 Days of Truth im try to answer all the questions.Well just check it out.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Christmas shopping in progress..
I went for walk this morning with the roomie.A few other friends passed us as we were walking they were on there way to work.After our walk we went to JCPenney's and hit up the sales rack.I got a cute new outfit for $14.51.I saved $48.44.The pants were original $36.00 and shirt was original $26.00.$62.00 outfit for $14.51 not a bad deal.The day before I went as well but just didn't have much time to shop.I got 3 shirts one for me and 2 for Christmas presents.I spent 26.72 and saved 21.03.The two shirts I got for Christmas presents were orignal $10.00 got them for $5.99.The shirt I got was original $26.00 got it for 12.99.I would say I have came across some pretty sweet deals.I love this time the year stores getting ready for the holidays.This is when you can catch some pretty sweet deals.The good deals come out on crazy day of shopping that is black Friday.I love going and fighting the crowds to save some money.I know last year I saved like $200 easy.I get for total of maybe 10 people and that includes the salvation army kids I get few things for.I have done this for like 8 years now.I go pick few kids off the tree in the mall and get stuff for kids in need in my local area.Today at work had fun playing some soccer with the kids.It was hot outside today playing.Running around with a headache and sun bright as heck didn't help but it was fun.The weather is nice like first thing in the morning and at night sometimes.I'm so ready for some cooler weather.It is FL we never see 4 seasons it more like summer 80% time.Don't know what to call other 20%.
My new outfit I got today |
30 Days of Truth
This is where the idea came from for this blog.
It seems like something fun and little challenge at same time.The list of questions are below.I will try my best to give a answer to all of them.It a way for people to get to know you and for you to know others.Make sure if you join go to the page above to October 18, 2010 and add yourself for others to follow.
*Day 1:Something you hate about yourself.Hate is a very strong word many people don't like to use.I prefer to use the word dislike instead of hate.I can definitely say I dislike my hair on most days.I dislike my laziness at times.I dislike my procrastination on most things.
*Day 2:Something you love about yourself.There are plenty of things to write about for this one.I love that im easy to get along with.I love my eyes never know what color they may be.Depends on the mood and the color clothing im wearing.They could be brownish yellow,green,greenish yellow,brown,greenish blue.I love that I am a fast learner at most things.I love that I enjoy helping others out when I can.I love that I get to spend my day working with children.Teaching them new things,watching them grow,being a good role model for them,teaching the team work and so on.I love that im a good friend.I love that people can trust me or ask me for anything and if I can give I will.I love that I can build strong friendship with people.I love that im honest and have nothing to hide.
*Day 3:Something you have to forgive yourself for.This is one thing I struggle with bad Forgiveness in general.God forgives us for all that we have done wrong to one another.I would have to go with the hurtful words I have said to my parents over the years.For not being there at my friends High School Graduation and 21st Birthday when she was at mine.Not saying I love you enough to the one I love.That is the only things I can think of.
*Day 4:Something you have to forgive someone for.It is a such a simple word but so hard to do when you been hurt over and over.Getting hurt by your own parents is a hard thing to deal with.Some the things they do to tear your heart from being one piece to a million broken pieces.They were know for breaking promises.Like I said on Day 3 this is something I struggle on big time.Remind you I grew up in a broken home.Was it really a loving family under a roof?The way I seen it no.Was I taught how to LOVE by my parents?NO it was my grandmother that taught me how to love.If it was not my parents fighting it was my brother and I.It took me a while to forgive my mother for her drug problem.It broke a relationship that was very strong.The day they came and took my little brother and I is something I also had to forgive my mother for.It was Thanksgiving Day there was like 3 cops,DCF case work,and my farther.My other brother was at my grandmothers house already where my farther was staying at the time.By the choices my parents made my brothers and I bounce around to like 5 different houses for like a year.My father is still a working progress.There is so much pain in this one.There are details I rather not get into.There are plenty of promises he broke.
*Day 5:Something you hope to do in your life.I hope to own my own place one day and build memories that last a life time.I hope to have a family of my own some day.I hope to coach kids softball team one day.One day I hope to travel to places I never been to.
*Day 6:Something you hope you never have to do.Well we all hope and pray that we never have to say goodbye to our loved ones.When they sit there and suffer all you want is for them to be in much better place.Sometimes we just want to be in there place instead.When really it not goodbye you will see them again some day in Heaven.Death is not the easy thing to deal with.Most of us have been down that road with someone we love and very close to us.All we can due is be here for one another in time of need.As I have seen on most people blogs that are doing this.Saying goodbye to loved ones is what everyone writes about for day 6.I have had my far share of Deaths.97 my grandfather,00 my great grandmother,01 two friends of the family,05 my grandmother and her brother,06 baby cousin,07 my grandfather,step grandfather,and family friend that was like grandfather,09 a friend.There are some in between people as well but was not as close to them as these listed.The two that hit me the hardest was my grandmother and my friend.When I have children I hope I never have to tell them they have cancer.I hope I never have to make a call saying something bad has happen to someone I love.
*Day 7:Someone who has made your life worth living for.There are plenty of people that made my life living for.First off I have to Praise Jesus for providing me with a Blood Donor when I was just 3.It could have been the end there.I will have more info in today's blog.All my friends are amazing they have talked me out a lot of stupid things.In 05 when my grandmother passed I did not want to be here anymore.I just wanted to sit behind a car and hope they run me over.Then I over come that after talking things out with friends and what not.Then I just thought to myself wait there is a little boy that mean more to me than any other person in this world.That is my little brother well he is not so little any more.He is growing like a little weed but he is in that stage being 14.Friends always put a smile on my face and know what to do to cheer me up.My aunt has made huge impact on my life she has tough me a lot. She help raise me she help me grow into the person I am.She is an amazing women.She gave up lot to jump in and help raise my brothers and I.My mother drug problem became worse.She hates her self to this day for what she done.But good thing is she been clean for like 7years.My dad drinking was big thing also that is why my aunt step in.He never been alone more than a month times.In them times I had to fill the mother duties taking care my little brother.I pretty much raised him taught him things for a year or so.While I was just 14 still in school still.I missed school at times to stay home with him.So many people don't see why im so protective over him.I would do anything and everything for him.
*Day 8:Someone who made your life heck, or treated you like crap.Yes my childhood was not all that great.I played adult role at age 14.With what my parents did with there life has broken a family.While still trying to be kid watching my brother.It was hard trying to be a kid with a little brother only 4 that need attention.There are still things that go on till this day due to my parents issues.God gave me this life and has it all planed for me.There are times of trouble but I get through them with him.God is always there when you feel like there is no one else.
*Day 9:Someone you didn't want to let go,but just drifted.People come and go in and out of your life through out life time.I have a lot friends I was really close to when I was in High School but we have just drifted a part.With most them having a family now to take care of.I still talk to some here and there.There are a few friends I didn't want to let go but we have drifted apart.Mainly do to a path they took that I did not agree on.
*Day 10:Someone you need to let go, or wish you did't know.It hard for some people to make friends but not I.The ones that have came into my life are great blessing.I would not change it for the world.I love all people in my life some way.There is not one that comes to mind I wish I did not know or need to let go.
*Day 11: Something people seem to compliment you the most on.There is a 3 way tie on that one.People love my hair.I hate it on most days.I don't do much to it and people still love it.Another thing is my eyes.I love my eyes so do other people.They have a hint of yellow at times.Green or blue on most days.Sometimes light brownish yellow.All depends on the mood and what colors I am wearing.I wear flip flops 90% the time so then people see my star tattoo on top my left foot.So yeah on good day it may be combo of all three.
*Day 12: Something you never get compliments on.I find myself not getting many compliments on my clothes.Unless it something cute and not looking like I just got done playing ball or in my comfy clothes.That is about the only thing I can think of.It does not hurt my feeling that I don't get compliments*Day 13:A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough days.It says to write a letter for some reason not going to write letter.Every time I though about my mom as teen I would listen to this song.Kellie Pickler-I Wonder.She lives in Texas and I don't get to see her that often living in Florida.Garth Brooks has set lot great memories so he always good one to listen to.Tough times friends always know what song to turn on.The crazy lyric battles we had on tough days just to get each other to laugh.Inside jokes with lots of songs.Addison Road is amazing there newest CD Stories.If you do not have it is well worth it.There are plenty more but I don't feel like thinking and being here all night so this is what it is for this day.
*Day 14: A hero that has let you down.Who is my hero? Jesus Christ is my Hero.Some of us say our parents are our hero.Yeah I looked up to them till I was old enough to see that they only let me down.Left huge gaps and things in my head that will not just go away.Jesus is the Way the Truth and the LIFE.
*Day 15: Something or someone you couldn't live without, because you've tried living without it.So yeah this is kind of crazy but we lived before people came into our life so I am sure we could live without them.There are plenty of other things we can live without but choose not to.Air,Water, and Food are the things we must have to live.Number one thing here is I have tried to live my life without Christ.Now that I have him in my life it is amazing that is something I could not live without him.Well friends play big role in my life.People come and go in and out our life all the time.I lost total contact with one friend.Have not seen or heard from her in a few years then one day I was out shopping or something.Ran into her got her Email and number and started talking again.So now we have a really strong friendship.I love her to death and don't know what I would do without her.We are not the type to fight over stupid stuff.We support each other in all we do.Even if we may not agree on somethings but we still are there for one another.Music is something I love so that be hard one to give up.Computer and cell phone something I use daily couldn't live without it.Those are just few items I could be here all day putting things.
*Day 16:Someone or something you definitely could live without.Well I know I can live without soda because it is no longer a problem I have.I am not addicted to it like I use to be.
*Day 17:A book you've read that changed your views on something.I don't really read that often.The Bible is about the only thing I do read.That has changed views on lots of things.
*Day 18:Your views on gay marriage.Well it not something I approve of.At the same time they have the right to be happy.
*Day 19:What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?One I am not big on politics what so ever.Religion is a word that can cause a debate.It is all about a relationship with Jesus Christ.
*Day 20: Your view on drugs and alcohol. Most people that know me know this answer already.Topic drugs that is something I hate with passion.It destroy a few relationships with friends and family.Yes I still talk to my family but the trust has gone out the window with some.It is nothing like it used to be before there addiction.I don't see how people can do that to there body.It is something I will never touch I have seen first hand what it does.Alcohol well that is another thing I don't really care for as well.Growing up in the home I did I was around it enough.Did not want to be anything like my parents.In the Bible it says it ok to drink but not to get drunk.
Day 21: (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do? Thing is the ones I call my best friends we never get into fights. But say if we did I would drop what ever I am doing to be with them.I love my friends.
Day 22: Something you wish you hadn't done in your life? The one thing I wish I would have never done is picked up smoking.I smoked for about year.
Day 23: Something you wish you had done in your life? I am still young and there are plenty of things I want to do in my life still.I guess I would have to go with the phrase I love you to the ones that mean the most to me.It is one thing I don't say often enough.
Day 24: Make a playlist to someone and explain why you chose the songs you did.My playlist is going out to my best friend Heather. My Kind Of Day-Sara Buxton (Slip into our fat jeans) I Don't Want Wait-Paula Cole (Dawson's Creek) Thank You For Being A Friend (Golden Girls) Anything Eminem.
Day 25: The reason you believe you are still alive today? God gave me a chance at life.I have to live by his word and do the best I can to stay in his will and what he has planned for me.
Day 26: Have you ever thought about giving up in life?Yes I have thought about it.I think there are many of us that hit a point. Where we think that nobody cares about us.That no one shows us love and attention we want.So we then act out and cause harm to our self and hurt other around us.My thoughts came around time my grandmother passed in 05.I just wanted to end my life then and there did not want to go on without her.But I know she would be very proud of me and is smiling down and watching over me.
Day 27: What's the best thing going for you right now? Well I can not say that there is just one best thing going for me.I have amazing friends and I love them to death.My health is pretty good considering my past history.I am very commited in my church that seems to be a good thing.
Day 28: What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnat, what would you do? Well I would like to be married before having any kids.But if it were to happen before then I am ready.If you know me you know I love kids.I would have to tell my friends and family.
Day 29: Something you hope to change about yourself. This one is hard not much I would like to change about myself. My attitude toward some things not to be so negative on some stuff. Not to blow up at all the pointless things. Not to stick myself in a position where I don't belong.
Day 30: A letter to yourslef telling everything you love about yourself.
Dear Self,
There is plenty to write on this subject about myself. I love my eyes you never know what color they may be. I love that I am a good listener and can dish out advice at times. I love that I get a long with just about anyone I meet.I love that I am a good friend and would do anything for them.I love that I care more about others than my own self.I love that I rather give than receive.I love that I am so involved with my church.I love that I am athletic.I love helping others any way I can. I love that I help with charity work.I love that I learned things at a young age.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Lazy day review....
This weekend has been pretty fun.Had a few parties to attend.Got to hang out with some friends I have not seen since High School.Played this game called corn hole for 2nd time and did pretty good.My friend and I beat just about everyone we played that was Friday night.Last night I almost blew myself up trying to lit the fire.Burnt part my wrist a little but not bad PTL.I went to my dads house today hung out for bit.Then came home took 2-3 hour nap to catch up on some sleep.Woke up went to the mall to get some food.You know I came back with more than food.There were a lot of people up there with there kids trick or treating.Seen bunch crazy costumes and cute ones.They had face painting area set up.They never had that when I was a kid.LOL.I only went to the mall once as kid trick or treating.I started my Christmas shopping like month ago and just added few more things to it.I love JCPenney's they always have great sales.Well that is my lazy day review of this weekend.Hope everyone had a great weekend.It new day,new week,new month starting tomorrow.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
October ending...
This time the year is always busy.All the birthday's and Halloween parties.I had a birthday party last night to attend.Got to hang out with bunch old friends from high school.Got home at like 2am then got up at 6 to go run a 5k.My legs felt like jello after still kind of do.Did some running after that then got a nap.Now getting ready for party tonight at the house.Ready to hang out with some more friends I have not seen in while as well.What a great weekend getting to hang out with friends I have not seen in while.I love my friends.Oh yeah the weather is like perfect for FIRE!!! I love my friends.;)Well just started the FIRE and almost caught myself on fire.Got a little to close to the log that had gas on it.My wrist is burning just a little bit.I could feel it burning when got close to the heat.
Friday, October 29, 2010
How do use your time?
Time is everyone factor.Time is hard to find when you stay so busy.There is only 24 hours in one day.We tend to stay so busy and pack so much in to one day.Then we don't get done with half the stuff we planned to get done with in the time frame.I know there are some days I have no spare time.Our schedules don't always go as planned.Some other things pop up in between and make the day harder.Time is a issue for me.There are some days I feel as if there not enough time in the day.This weekend is a busy weekend.There are a few parties on the schedule a 5k and church oh yeah and my dads house.Sleep is somewhere in the mix.
*Some people waste there time on sleeping all day.
*Some spend there time on working out problems.
*Some spend there time on the internet.
*Some spend there time fighting.
*Some spend there time shopping.
*Some spend there time drinking there life away.
*Some spend there time with friends.<3
*Some spend there time playing video games.
*Some spend there time with loved ones.
*Some spend there time getting high.
*Some spend there time playing sports.
*Some spend there time in church.
*Some spend there time working.
So many ways to use you time.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Trip Down Memory Lane With Music...
Trip down memory lane with some music.Turn the play list off to the right.
*Every time we got in the car to go anywhere in Bama we played this song*
*We new all the words before it was so popular on radio*
*Jammed out to this song before the concert the summer it came out 06*
*Every Sunday my grandmother and I listen to this song*
*My brother and I kept this song on repeat*
*Never a dull moment with this song*
*This was a song we used sing in the woods*
*We never missed this show*
*Not the best video.Lyrics text battles with this song all the time just for a laugh*
*Fun times at these concerts*
*3 times I love him*
There are many other people I have seen as well but just can not think at the moment.
*Every time we got in the car to go anywhere in Bama we played this song*
*We new all the words before it was so popular on radio*
*Jammed out to this song before the concert the summer it came out 06*
*Every Sunday my grandmother and I listen to this song*
*My brother and I kept this song on repeat*
*Never a dull moment with this song*
*This was a song we used sing in the woods*
*We never missed this show*
*Not the best video.Lyrics text battles with this song all the time just for a laugh*
*Fun times at these concerts*
*3 times I love him*
There are many other people I have seen as well but just can not think at the moment.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Turn it up.
Well first you got to go turn off the play list to the right.Not much to write about today.So I posted some music videos for you to watch.Seeing how I love music.Some songs having meaning behind them some I just like.Hope you enjoy them.Feel free to let me know which one you liked the best,least and so on.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
What with the 3's?
3 days ago was 13 years my grandfather passed away and today im 23.All I got is memories of all the great times with him.There are so many things I remember about this man.I was not a daddy's girl I was papaw's girls.Things I miss are the Sunday lunches after church.That dollar we used to always get for church on Sunday.I miss the smile you got from time to time from him.So today I was woke up at like 4:30am by some noise.I turned a little led light on to try to figure out what it was.Didn't find the noise till I opened my door and there was a gift bag sitting there.So I just tossed it in my room and tried to fall back to sleep took like hour.Then I got up started load clothes my favorite thing to do not.Then got in shower and got ready for work.Ate lunch with the roomie and headed out the door for work.The kids were a little on the wild side today be glad when Halloween is over.We had fun today at work outside.Hitting the tennis ball with the bat.Trying to teach the kids how to stand while hitting.I got mini cup cakes from co worker and a card.:) I got like 3 text from people and like 100 things on facebook.I got a call from my parents.Got to visit with friends here from out town.Got to play the game I love today.Played in 2 games today didnt do all that hot in first game.Then it started pouring down rain so that delayed it for a little bit.I was suppose to got out to dinner with few friends after but games got over later than we though they would.Oh well we were catch up later this weekend.It was so hot playing I hope it cools of some this weekend.Fun day is coming to a end.Time to hit the shower im a little nasty from two games.Plus I need to hit the ice pack think I may have pulled something in lower back or could just be part getting older.LOL.I love all my friends.They are so amazing.
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Hard working man |
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I miss this smile |
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I miss him |
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I miss these times |
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Papaw's Girl |
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I miss Sunday |
Monday, October 25, 2010
Amazing Day!!!
Well I didn't get a chance to write yesterday I was super busy. Plus had 30imns before the day was over and the internet was not working.Plus I was super tired and just wanted to sleep.Yesterday was super busy I was on the go since 7am till 11:30pm.My feet are killing me.My big toe on my right foot hurts super bad.The wedding turned out really nice.The decorations were beautiful and took a while to set up.Food turned out great there was little bit left over.In all that time only time I really sat down was time driving.When you get a bunch people to help clean up goes very quick if we stay busy and not clown around.This afternoon before work I got to meet up with the newlyweds and few other friends for lunch at Sonny's.Some left out for DC they bought me lunch for my birthday present.Today was a breeze at work.Lot kids were out sick and the ones that tend to give us problems left early.Still not sure yet what im going to do for my birthday tomorrow.I do know that I will be working then going to play the one game I love softball.I don't expect much from anyone never been that type person.But so far I have gotten $100 that is pretty much gone already just spent the last bit of it tonight getting few things.Oh yeah and the pretty awesome lunch I had today with some amazing friends.I love all of my friends way more than they would ever know.They are my family they stand behind me and help me in times of need.My mom is suppose to be sending something but she tends to mix the dates up with my brothers birthday.Im sure I will get call tomorrow or on the 28.
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