Sunday, October 31, 2010
Lazy day review....
This weekend has been pretty fun.Had a few parties to attend.Got to hang out with some friends I have not seen since High School.Played this game called corn hole for 2nd time and did pretty good.My friend and I beat just about everyone we played that was Friday night.Last night I almost blew myself up trying to lit the fire.Burnt part my wrist a little but not bad PTL.I went to my dads house today hung out for bit.Then came home took 2-3 hour nap to catch up on some sleep.Woke up went to the mall to get some food.You know I came back with more than food.There were a lot of people up there with there kids trick or treating.Seen bunch crazy costumes and cute ones.They had face painting area set up.They never had that when I was a kid.LOL.I only went to the mall once as kid trick or treating.I started my Christmas shopping like month ago and just added few more things to it.I love JCPenney's they always have great sales.Well that is my lazy day review of this weekend.Hope everyone had a great weekend.It new day,new week,new month starting tomorrow.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
October ending...
This time the year is always busy.All the birthday's and Halloween parties.I had a birthday party last night to attend.Got to hang out with bunch old friends from high school.Got home at like 2am then got up at 6 to go run a 5k.My legs felt like jello after still kind of do.Did some running after that then got a nap.Now getting ready for party tonight at the house.Ready to hang out with some more friends I have not seen in while as well.What a great weekend getting to hang out with friends I have not seen in while.I love my friends.Oh yeah the weather is like perfect for FIRE!!! I love my friends.;)Well just started the FIRE and almost caught myself on fire.Got a little to close to the log that had gas on it.My wrist is burning just a little bit.I could feel it burning when got close to the heat.
Friday, October 29, 2010
How do use your time?
Time is everyone factor.Time is hard to find when you stay so busy.There is only 24 hours in one day.We tend to stay so busy and pack so much in to one day.Then we don't get done with half the stuff we planned to get done with in the time frame.I know there are some days I have no spare time.Our schedules don't always go as planned.Some other things pop up in between and make the day harder.Time is a issue for me.There are some days I feel as if there not enough time in the day.This weekend is a busy weekend.There are a few parties on the schedule a 5k and church oh yeah and my dads house.Sleep is somewhere in the mix.
*Some people waste there time on sleeping all day.
*Some spend there time on working out problems.
*Some spend there time on the internet.
*Some spend there time fighting.
*Some spend there time shopping.
*Some spend there time drinking there life away.
*Some spend there time with friends.<3
*Some spend there time playing video games.
*Some spend there time with loved ones.
*Some spend there time getting high.
*Some spend there time playing sports.
*Some spend there time in church.
*Some spend there time working.
So many ways to use you time.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Trip Down Memory Lane With Music...
Trip down memory lane with some music.Turn the play list off to the right.
*Every time we got in the car to go anywhere in Bama we played this song*
*We new all the words before it was so popular on radio*
*Jammed out to this song before the concert the summer it came out 06*
*Every Sunday my grandmother and I listen to this song*
*My brother and I kept this song on repeat*
*Never a dull moment with this song*
*This was a song we used sing in the woods*
*We never missed this show*
*Not the best video.Lyrics text battles with this song all the time just for a laugh*
*Fun times at these concerts*
*3 times I love him*
There are many other people I have seen as well but just can not think at the moment.
*Every time we got in the car to go anywhere in Bama we played this song*
*We new all the words before it was so popular on radio*
*Jammed out to this song before the concert the summer it came out 06*
*Every Sunday my grandmother and I listen to this song*
*My brother and I kept this song on repeat*
*Never a dull moment with this song*
*This was a song we used sing in the woods*
*We never missed this show*
*Not the best video.Lyrics text battles with this song all the time just for a laugh*
*Fun times at these concerts*
*3 times I love him*
There are many other people I have seen as well but just can not think at the moment.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Turn it up.
Well first you got to go turn off the play list to the right.Not much to write about today.So I posted some music videos for you to watch.Seeing how I love music.Some songs having meaning behind them some I just like.Hope you enjoy them.Feel free to let me know which one you liked the best,least and so on.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
What with the 3's?
3 days ago was 13 years my grandfather passed away and today im 23.All I got is memories of all the great times with him.There are so many things I remember about this man.I was not a daddy's girl I was papaw's girls.Things I miss are the Sunday lunches after church.That dollar we used to always get for church on Sunday.I miss the smile you got from time to time from him.So today I was woke up at like 4:30am by some noise.I turned a little led light on to try to figure out what it was.Didn't find the noise till I opened my door and there was a gift bag sitting there.So I just tossed it in my room and tried to fall back to sleep took like hour.Then I got up started load clothes my favorite thing to do not.Then got in shower and got ready for work.Ate lunch with the roomie and headed out the door for work.The kids were a little on the wild side today be glad when Halloween is over.We had fun today at work outside.Hitting the tennis ball with the bat.Trying to teach the kids how to stand while hitting.I got mini cup cakes from co worker and a card.:) I got like 3 text from people and like 100 things on facebook.I got a call from my parents.Got to visit with friends here from out town.Got to play the game I love today.Played in 2 games today didnt do all that hot in first game.Then it started pouring down rain so that delayed it for a little bit.I was suppose to got out to dinner with few friends after but games got over later than we though they would.Oh well we were catch up later this weekend.It was so hot playing I hope it cools of some this weekend.Fun day is coming to a end.Time to hit the shower im a little nasty from two games.Plus I need to hit the ice pack think I may have pulled something in lower back or could just be part getting older.LOL.I love all my friends.They are so amazing.
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Hard working man |
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I miss this smile |
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I miss him |
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I miss these times |
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Papaw's Girl |
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I miss Sunday |
Monday, October 25, 2010
Amazing Day!!!
Well I didn't get a chance to write yesterday I was super busy. Plus had 30imns before the day was over and the internet was not working.Plus I was super tired and just wanted to sleep.Yesterday was super busy I was on the go since 7am till 11:30pm.My feet are killing me.My big toe on my right foot hurts super bad.The wedding turned out really nice.The decorations were beautiful and took a while to set up.Food turned out great there was little bit left over.In all that time only time I really sat down was time driving.When you get a bunch people to help clean up goes very quick if we stay busy and not clown around.This afternoon before work I got to meet up with the newlyweds and few other friends for lunch at Sonny's.Some left out for DC they bought me lunch for my birthday present.Today was a breeze at work.Lot kids were out sick and the ones that tend to give us problems left early.Still not sure yet what im going to do for my birthday tomorrow.I do know that I will be working then going to play the one game I love softball.I don't expect much from anyone never been that type person.But so far I have gotten $100 that is pretty much gone already just spent the last bit of it tonight getting few things.Oh yeah and the pretty awesome lunch I had today with some amazing friends.I love all of my friends way more than they would ever know.They are my family they stand behind me and help me in times of need.My mom is suppose to be sending something but she tends to mix the dates up with my brothers birthday.Im sure I will get call tomorrow or on the 28.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
A day I hate didn't turn out to bad
Lets start of with last night.That was so much fun.I love going to concerts for my birthday.So for like 3 years in row now I have went to concert for my birthday pretty sweet right.Each year has had one my favorite artitist Brandon Heath.First year I seen him was when I first got into the whole Christian music thing.Newsboys,Kutless and Brandon Heath makes for a rockin night.Second time I seen him was with Leeland and Francesca Battistelli.Last night was with Jars of Clay.They are an amazing group of guys.They did autographs and group pictures with everyone.The line was not to bad actually maybe 10mins or so if that.Today is a day I hate.But the memories are what hold me together.I was not a daddys girl I was papaw's girl.13 years ago today.Then it been 4 years ago today baby cousin somewhere down the line passed away.Then 1year ago today that one my friends sister passed away.RIP ALL.WE LOVE AND MISS YOU.As I wrote my status today I broke down.Then it was a go go go day.Been super busy with wedding stuff all day.Cutting cheese,cutting paper,decortating stuff,going over plans,making stuff,entertianing kids,and sure there few im leaveing out.I am so tired it is not even funny.Didnt sleep all that well last night and im ready for bed now but cant cause got to get stuff together for AM.Been helping my friend with her wedding stuff all day today.Just got home like 15mins ago.Tomorrow is the wedding and it will be another long day.
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Brandon,Leeland,Fran |
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Jars Of Clay |
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Brandon Heath |
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Jars and Brandon |
Friday, October 22, 2010
Good Morning!!!It is way to early to be up.It going to be short today.One im not awake all the way.Two I have to leave for work in withing the next 10mins.Just heard something on news when first turned it on simple things like that why I dont watch it often.Some one left there 6 year old boy in the car while she went in store and car was stolen.Things like this make me mad.Bad parenting or any type of abuse gets on my nerves so bad.Not going to let it mess up my day it is Friday.Busy Busy Friday.Work then off to help a friend with some wedding stuff.Her wedding is this Sunday.:)Then going to the Brandon Heath and Jars of Clay concert.I love Brandon Heath his music is awesome.I have already seen him twice.:)Every concert I have ever been to has had two or more people.The one with the most was first one I went to in 97.It had like 8 people Tim McGraw,George Straight,Lila McCan,Aaron Tippin,Faith Hill,Lee Ann Womack.Don't remeber any more.Well hope you all have a great day and weekend.:)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Full Moon+Hoildays=Wild Kids
So glad this week is almost over.The kids have been little on the wild side at work with Halloween coming up and full moon.Tomorrow is a teacher work day I tried to get off but no luck.I have few things I need to do.Then there is wedding stuff that needs to be done for a friends wedding.While I was at home this morning I was wondering around on you tube listen to songs I found few new people I like.Fireflight is one the groups I found.I try to text few friends to see if they heard of them and if they liked them.Got back one response saying yeah I love them.So I listen to them for a little bit then I bought there cd on Itunes.Busy weekend coming up it going to be GO GO GO!!!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Just throwing it out there...
I attended this seminar tonight at a church.It is a battle that is found in lots of homes.It's a battle that many men,women and children face. Just pray for all them in battle with this.
Christians And Sexual Brokenness
*47% of Christians say that pornography is a problem in the home.*50% of all Christians men and 20% of all Christain women are addicted to pornography.60% of the women who answered the survey admitted to having significant struggles with lust; 40% admitted to being invovled in sexual sin in the past year; and 20% of the church-going female particcipants struggle with looking at pornography on an ongoing.
*One out of every six women, including Christains, struggle with an addiction to pornography. That's 17% of the population, which according to a survey by research oraganization Zogby International, is the number of women who truly believe they can find sexual fulfillment on the Internet.
*" 'More than 80% of women who have this addiction take it offline,' "says Marine Ferree" 'Women, far more than men, are likly to act out their behaviors in real life, such as having multiple partners,casual sex, or affairs.' "
*51% of pastors say cyberporn is a possible temptaion.
31% say it is a current struggle.
*4 in 10 pastors have visited a porn site
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Do you know...
Random facts you may not know about me....
1.I grew up in a neighborhood with lots of kids mostly boys.We were very active kids.Loved playing outside no matter how hot it was.
2.I am atheletic person.Give me a basketball I can shoot.Give me a soccer ball I can do some feet work.Give me a glove I can catch.Give me a football I can throw.Give me a volleyball I can serve.Give me a tennis racquet not so much.
3.I love spending time with all my friends.Don't get to hang out as often as we would like but can always pick up where we left off from.
4.I have 4 tattoos as of right now.They are addicting once you get one you want another.
5.I was dignosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia when I was just 3 years old.I have been in remission for 19 years.
6.I have huge family that has so much more drama than a high school girls locker room.
7.I love music.I like just about any kind of music it all depends on the mood im in.
8. I got 3 favorite numbers.8,10,3
9.I always used to say when I was a kid you would not catch me wearing a dress.I have worn a few it not so bad.LOL.I own like 5 now.
10.I love all of my friends.I dont know what I would do without them.They are always there in time of need.
11.I love the outdoors.Kicking a ball around or throwing one or a frisbee.Walking down the beach or around the lake.
12.I love my family even though we have our differences and dont speak often.
13.I love to help others out when I can.
14.I love doing charity work.Some friends and I have made team for Relay for life the past 3 years.Few my friends did the Light the Night walk with me.
15.I love my Gators.I have everything you could think of.Pillow,pillow cases,purses,socks,jersey,shirts,shorts,pj's,flip flops,stickers,key chains,blanket,tags,and Im sure there is more I cant think of.
16.I love flip flops I have so many pair.Same with sunglasses seem to have a collection going on.
17.I used to hate the color pink but it one my favorite colors now.
18.I hate drugs due to my childhood.That is one thing I will never do.
19.I can not stand wet socks,nails on chalk board, and styrofaom when taking something out box.
20.I have coached baskeball at my church for the past 2 years.
21.I love kids they are so much fun.You learn something new every day just about being around them.
22.I used to be a Mt.Dew junky.I would drink like a 2 litter or more a day.I have not touched a soda in forever.Soda was in a drink I got one time and made me sick when I took a sip.
23.I love to give to others when I can.Each year at Christmas I donate to the Salavtion Army Kids in need.
24.I love hanging out with friends.Bon fires,movies,apples to apples,talking makes for fun times.
25.I love being around water during the summer time.It is so hot in FL during the summer so I try to stay cool.It may be around a pool,beach,lake tubing.
1.I grew up in a neighborhood with lots of kids mostly boys.We were very active kids.Loved playing outside no matter how hot it was.
2.I am atheletic person.Give me a basketball I can shoot.Give me a soccer ball I can do some feet work.Give me a glove I can catch.Give me a football I can throw.Give me a volleyball I can serve.Give me a tennis racquet not so much.
3.I love spending time with all my friends.Don't get to hang out as often as we would like but can always pick up where we left off from.
4.I have 4 tattoos as of right now.They are addicting once you get one you want another.
5.I was dignosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia when I was just 3 years old.I have been in remission for 19 years.
6.I have huge family that has so much more drama than a high school girls locker room.
7.I love music.I like just about any kind of music it all depends on the mood im in.
8. I got 3 favorite numbers.8,10,3
9.I always used to say when I was a kid you would not catch me wearing a dress.I have worn a few it not so bad.LOL.I own like 5 now.
10.I love all of my friends.I dont know what I would do without them.They are always there in time of need.
11.I love the outdoors.Kicking a ball around or throwing one or a frisbee.Walking down the beach or around the lake.
12.I love my family even though we have our differences and dont speak often.
13.I love to help others out when I can.
14.I love doing charity work.Some friends and I have made team for Relay for life the past 3 years.Few my friends did the Light the Night walk with me.
15.I love my Gators.I have everything you could think of.Pillow,pillow cases,purses,socks,jersey,shirts,shorts,pj's,flip flops,stickers,key chains,blanket,tags,and Im sure there is more I cant think of.
16.I love flip flops I have so many pair.Same with sunglasses seem to have a collection going on.
17.I used to hate the color pink but it one my favorite colors now.
18.I hate drugs due to my childhood.That is one thing I will never do.
19.I can not stand wet socks,nails on chalk board, and styrofaom when taking something out box.
20.I have coached baskeball at my church for the past 2 years.
21.I love kids they are so much fun.You learn something new every day just about being around them.
22.I used to be a Mt.Dew junky.I would drink like a 2 litter or more a day.I have not touched a soda in forever.Soda was in a drink I got one time and made me sick when I took a sip.
23.I love to give to others when I can.Each year at Christmas I donate to the Salavtion Army Kids in need.
24.I love hanging out with friends.Bon fires,movies,apples to apples,talking makes for fun times.
25.I love being around water during the summer time.It is so hot in FL during the summer so I try to stay cool.It may be around a pool,beach,lake tubing.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Little bit everything kind of day...
This morning I did not do much was not feeling all that great.Had to leave like hour before work to get few things done.The kids at work today were full of energy.During quite time it was far from quite.I was sitting at table with two girls I was about to lose my mind with all the talking.They were talking so fast I could catch like 2 words as they kept going about what ever they were talking about that made no sense to me.Then we went outside the weather was amazing.Let the kids run and play to get some energy out there system.I played catch with tennis ball with few the kids.Try to teach them how to catch pop fly the right way.One kid got in trouble for doing something wrong had to sit out.Then we told him he had bug in his hair and called Mandy the B word. Then we had to go inside cause that was enough from him. Came home to cook but had to run to store to get more milk first.Some the people that go into the store by my house oh my is all im going to say.After I got back from store put milk up and went outside for a bit.Got a game tomorrow so figured I could swing a bat few times.Then I cooked sausage biscuits and gravy ohhh yeah and had big glass of chocolate milk for dinner.Now it is just kick back and relax time.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Lazy Day
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The busy bee...
I did not get chance to write yesterday I was a little busy bee.I got up cleaned my room.Then went to my friends house to help with wedding stuff.That is where I spent most of my day.We got started then had to stop go get Heather car and grab bite to eat.Then we had to run and return things at Target and Walmart.Returned started working on different things.The brownies were a trip putting the chocolate over them.Let's just say that im not the decoarate type when it comes to that.For a messed up batch they were pretty good.Then I came home started a fire and had to put one the cats in cage cause the party.He likes to get around the cars and with him being a dark cat they would not see him.Few the neighbors had block party.Went and hung out with them for little while.Never played the game corn hole till last night.I have seen people playing it before but never played it.It is just like horseshoes in a way but with bean bag.You know it is cold in FL when you can blow smoke out your mouth.Unless you are from up north somewhere and used to it then you laugh at us FL people.I love weather like this to have huge fires.So im sure I will be helping out later today with wedding stuff.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Count Down...
Yay it is Friday.The weather is so amazing outside.Think when I get off tonight going to attempt to make a fire.The wood has been sitting for while so it should burn now.Well I did not make a fire tonight.Went to church event with some friends instead.Today the kids where a trip at work.We had a mini talent show today cause we did not have many kids today.They had me cracking up with there little dance moves for some songs.Today has been a great day.Let the count down start for all the up coming stuff.8 days till the day I hate.9 days till Sara Wedding.10 days till Traci Birthday.11days till Tiffany and I birthday.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Change in the making....
The Gospel of Jesus Christ What is it about? It is about change...
†A change from an old life to a new life that is in Christ†
†A change from death to life†
†A change from darkness to light†
†A change from selfishness to selflessness†
†A change from being self-reliant to Christ-reliant†
†A change from being served to serving†
†A change from hopelessness to hope filled†
†A change from wanting to giving†
†A change from faithless to faithful†
†A change from emptiness to wholeness†
†A change from unfulfilled to fulfilled†
†A change from looking inward to looking outward†
†A change from a worldly perspective to a heavenly perspective†
†A change from arrogance to humility†
†A change from the familiar to the unfamiliar†
†A change from hardness to grace and mercy†
†A change from bitterness to joy†
†A change from hatred to love†
But we don't like change! We like our routines, our comfort zones...
we may attempt to fight the changes that come with the gospel of Jesus Christ,
but if you have been born again from above He will take you from where you are to where He desires for you to be
- and that means change!
†A change from an old life to a new life that is in Christ†
†A change from death to life†
†A change from darkness to light†
†A change from selfishness to selflessness†
†A change from being self-reliant to Christ-reliant†
†A change from being served to serving†
†A change from hopelessness to hope filled†
†A change from wanting to giving†
†A change from faithless to faithful†
†A change from emptiness to wholeness†
†A change from unfulfilled to fulfilled†
†A change from looking inward to looking outward†
†A change from a worldly perspective to a heavenly perspective†
†A change from arrogance to humility†
†A change from the familiar to the unfamiliar†
†A change from hardness to grace and mercy†
†A change from bitterness to joy†
†A change from hatred to love†
But we don't like change! We like our routines, our comfort zones...
we may attempt to fight the changes that come with the gospel of Jesus Christ,
but if you have been born again from above He will take you from where you are to where He desires for you to be
- and that means change!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
2 Fun Nights
Entering the Trop |
Well last nights do or die game did not go all that well.They had 6 umps on field and still could not get calls right.But I still had fun being at a game for postseason.Here are few pictures from the game last night.I love Julianna voice I want her cd.She is the wife of player Ben Zobrist.
Can The Rays Score |
Julianna Zobrist |
This afternoon was fun.The weather was perfect outside.The kids at work crack me up they are so silly.They always make me crack a smile or get a good laugh in no matter what.This one boy tried to call me lazy today I was like your funny.Trying to teach these kids how to play sports is always fun.So today we attempted to play tag football that takes some patients with some them kids.Some understand it some dont have clue to what there doing.Got bunch young kids 5 to 9 playing.
Tonight was another fun night.Went to go visit the kids at the Children Home with our church group.We go visit them once a month.We eat,play,share stories about what God done in our life.It all seems to touch us in some way.Then we get to thinking and need to focus more on GOD and not all the other things around us.The distractions around us draw us away from him.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Cow Bell!!
I love helping others.Had to do some running this morning for a friend for her wedding and myself.Busy morning so far.Finlay got the tickets for the Rays do or die game tonight.After I spent like 2 hours trying to get the crap to work last night on stub hub and ticket master.Now they just dont want to print.Had to call them and have them walk me through it.Only time I have had problems with this.I was up early this morning didn't get much sleep.Im need a frappe to get through the day at work and for the game tonigh.I would be playing in my own game but who can pass up a game like this.:)Got to get the camera ready.Got to break out the cow bell.Got my number and my dream man last name Rays shirt on.:)Super excited this is going to be a lot of fun.Lots of picture are going to be taking at this game.They must win this game to move on.:( they lost the game that is it for 2010 season.Got a little cow bell crazy.LOL.Fun night at the Trop would have been better if they won.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Out of answers?
Am I really out answers? For some things yes.I don't know what to say any more to some the things people ask me or tell me or I see.I don't know what to believe anymore that comes out of some people's mouth.I just thank God for the amazing friends he has blessed me with.I really do love them all.We all been through our ups and downs with life.All we can do is PRAY for what we face and be here for each another.PRAY PRAY PRAY.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Bible Verses
~ But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.*Isaiah 40:31*
~ Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. *John 14:6*
~ To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant; and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to refrian from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. *Escclesiastes 3:1-8*
~ Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. *John 15:13*
~ A freind loves you all the time, and a brother helps in time of trouble. *Proverbs 17:17*
~ As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend. *Proverbs 27:17*
~ People who do what is right have many problems, but the Lord will solve them all. *Psalm 34:19*
~ Be joyful because you have hope.Be patient when troubles comes, and pray at all times. *Romans 12:12*
~ Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. *John 14:6*
~ To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant; and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to refrian from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. *Escclesiastes 3:1-8*
~ Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. *John 15:13*
~ A freind loves you all the time, and a brother helps in time of trouble. *Proverbs 17:17*
~ As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend. *Proverbs 27:17*
~ People who do what is right have many problems, but the Lord will solve them all. *Psalm 34:19*
~ Be joyful because you have hope.Be patient when troubles comes, and pray at all times. *Romans 12:12*
Girls Night
Well I did not get a chance to write yesterday cause my labtop works when it wants.So it was down yesterday but working today.I really need to get a new one that would be sweet.So that is my Christmas list even though my birthday comes before then.LOL.Last night was a lot fun hanging out with some girls from church at my aunts house.The weather was amazing started out with rides on motrocycle till dark.Then we went in made pizza and talked.After the pizza was done we made brownies.Then started playing apples to apples.Kind of forgot about brownies till we smelt somthing burning.Cought it just in time before they burnt all the way.They were boiling over on one side.So back to apples it was til they cooled off.That game is always fun no matter what.We attempted to play dance revolution some of us.Then my aunt had this paper for us to do.That got our brains thinking.It was a parahgraph telling a story but with in it there were books of the Bible.In the first one there was 16 books.The second one had 22 books.The last one had 30 books.Then before I knew it was midnight.I was like I need to head knowing im going to be out late tonight.So glad that it is only like 5min away if that cause I was tired.I came home watched some the Braves game and was out.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Up in smoke....
I wish the weather would stay like this forever.It feels so amazing outside.It great weather for just about anything.Most us love to hang around a big fire this time the year.Wish I could have a fire that would stay lit for more than 20 seconds.I guess the wood we have is semi wet cause it does not want to burn.Smore would be great after dinner but not on a fire that wont stay lit.
Songs about you...
Could you live without MUSIC? I love MUSIC that is one thing I could not live without.MUSIC is a key to everyday life for some people.I pretty much listen to music 24/7.I like all kinds of MUSIC for most part.It all depends on the mood.You always see people put lyrics as there status about a situation there facing.We can all tie some song to our life in some way.It may be sad song that may bring some tears.May be a happy song that brings a smile.Might just be a song you wanted to hear at the time to get you by the day.It could be a song that brings back some great memories of friends or loved one gone.Some songs you may just want to bust a move right then and there.It could be a song about your past.If you stop and really think I am sure you can tie at least 5 or more songs to your life in some way.I can go on and on with songs about my life.Some the lyrics are just right few need to be changed up a little.Some songs are just for fun.Some are memory with others.This list will tell you a few details in my life.
Sara Beth(Skin)-Rascal Flatts *Me*
Find Out Who You Friends Are-Tracey Lawerence *Friends*
If Tomorrow Never Comes-Garth Brooks *Grandma*
Walk A Little Straighter Daddy-Billy Currington *Dad*
I Wonder-Kellie Picker *Mom*
My Wish-Rascal Flatts *Friends*
Before He Cheats-Carrie Underwood *Bama Fun*
That Girl Is A Cowboy- *Bama Fun*
Summertime-Kenny Chesney *Fun Times*
Why-Rascal Flatts*RIP Steven*
Fight Another Day-Addison Road *Me*
My Story-Addison Road *Me*
Change In The Making-Addison Road *Me*
Hero-Skillet *Every One Needs One*
Its Not Me Its You-Skillet *Parents*
Bubba Shot The Jukebox-Mark Chesnut *Bubba*
Me and My Gang-Rascal Flatts *Brothers*
Unwritten-Natasha Bedingfield *Friends*
I Dont Want Wait-Paula Cole *Friends*
Sara Beth(Skin)-Rascal Flatts *Me*
Find Out Who You Friends Are-Tracey Lawerence *Friends*
If Tomorrow Never Comes-Garth Brooks *Grandma*
Walk A Little Straighter Daddy-Billy Currington *Dad*
I Wonder-Kellie Picker *Mom*
My Wish-Rascal Flatts *Friends*
Before He Cheats-Carrie Underwood *Bama Fun*
That Girl Is A Cowboy- *Bama Fun*
Summertime-Kenny Chesney *Fun Times*
Why-Rascal Flatts*RIP Steven*
Fight Another Day-Addison Road *Me*
My Story-Addison Road *Me*
Change In The Making-Addison Road *Me*
Hero-Skillet *Every One Needs One*
Its Not Me Its You-Skillet *Parents*
Bubba Shot The Jukebox-Mark Chesnut *Bubba*
Me and My Gang-Rascal Flatts *Brothers*
Unwritten-Natasha Bedingfield *Friends*
I Dont Want Wait-Paula Cole *Friends*
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Post Season Bound
Today the post season starts for baseball.Rays play at 1:30 so im going to miss that phone updates it will be.Best of 5 and they play Rangers.Rays played them 6 times and beat them 4.Rays have best record in baseball going into post season.Rays (96-66) and Rangers (90-72 ).It is the two youngest teams in baseball going at it.Reports are saying it will be the best match up in post season to watch.Well the Rays lost today to the Rangers 5-1.They are back at again tomorrow at 2:30.Well the Rays lost again 6-0.They must win the next 3 games in order to go on.They went to Texas and played 2 great games to tie the series to push game 5.Well it a due or die for the Rays on the 12th.I will be there for tonights game.:) Happy early birthday to me.LOL.Well they lost that it for 2010 season for the Rays.There was a fight one section over from where I was sitting.
Is He For Real
I always find something out through good old facebook or myspace when it comes to family.Some things being good some being bad.In this case it is a good thing but at same time we shall see.If you only knew how my brother is you would understand this a little more.He made a post and it said "Never thought I would be saying this but im going back to school."So few his friedns made comments to the post downing him already.It will be a good thing for him but he a type that gives up easy when it comes to school.He has few things he needs to change in order for this to work.It will be a lot of work for what he is going for firefighting/emt I think.So just keep him in your prayers as he works toward something.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Love this time the year
Good Morning!!So far it has been a great start to the day.This weather is amazing I love it.Went to go feed the ducks at the lake this morning.I felt bad for this one little duck it leg was messed up he could not walk and could hardly swim.Then just past that I was looking in water seen bunch feathers and seen one dead :(.Then here came the attack of the geese mob.They seem to always chase me no matter what.As I was walking away I was throwing bread behind me.Kept looking back till I got away I am sure the lady walking on other side was laughing at me.
Now on with the afternoon.Had time to catch a show that I watch from time to time when it is on.Chatted with few friends for little bit.Now it time to get ready and head to work.Then I have a ball game after.
Tonight was typical Tuesday night.Had a ball game tonight.We smoked the team we played.I did not hit all that great.Got to hang out and talk with friends I don't see often.Just got done eating dinner now it is time to watch the biggest loser.
Now on with the afternoon.Had time to catch a show that I watch from time to time when it is on.Chatted with few friends for little bit.Now it time to get ready and head to work.Then I have a ball game after.
Tonight was typical Tuesday night.Had a ball game tonight.We smoked the team we played.I did not hit all that great.Got to hang out and talk with friends I don't see often.Just got done eating dinner now it is time to watch the biggest loser.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Just Getting Started
I figured I could join a friend of mine on this.I love reading her stuff or looking at her pictures.My days can be very detailed at times.Some days can be very dull.This morning has not been to exciting.Just trying to figure out how to set this up and listening to the iPod.Oh yeah and my favorite thing of all time laundry not.I think I have this figured out now for most part with a little coaching along the way from a friend.:)
I really love this weather that we have been having latley.Makes me want to be outside all day.Makes for great softball weather as well.I usually have a funny story from work but not today.Most the kids where in a serious mood for most part.I came home added few songs on here while had them in my head.Then grabed my headphones went for walk around the neighborhood.With the weather like it is lot more kids are out playing now and few parents out playing with them as well.After I got back from walking got the bat out and pratice a few swings.Broke the glove and ball out and pratice some pop flies.Oh yeah now to finish something I started this morining my favorite thing of all time laundry.Then there something the roomie asked me to do think it was to clean the bath room.Made huge salad for dinner ate that while chatting with a friend from Bama.Now time to kick back and watch some Monday night football.
I really love this weather that we have been having latley.Makes me want to be outside all day.Makes for great softball weather as well.I usually have a funny story from work but not today.Most the kids where in a serious mood for most part.I came home added few songs on here while had them in my head.Then grabed my headphones went for walk around the neighborhood.With the weather like it is lot more kids are out playing now and few parents out playing with them as well.After I got back from walking got the bat out and pratice a few swings.Broke the glove and ball out and pratice some pop flies.Oh yeah now to finish something I started this morining my favorite thing of all time laundry.Then there something the roomie asked me to do think it was to clean the bath room.Made huge salad for dinner ate that while chatting with a friend from Bama.Now time to kick back and watch some Monday night football.
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